Showing posts with label 4 Stars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 4 Stars. Show all posts

Monday 18 July 2022

Valrhona - Guanaja 70%

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Guanaja 70% Cocoa
Main ingredients are cocoa beans, sugar, cocoa butter, emulsifier: sunflower lecithin, natural vanilla extract.
Cocoa content: minimum 70% cocoa solids


Valrhona, 26600 Tain l'Hermitage, France


The 70g chocolate bar is wrapped and sealed in aluminium wrap and a cardboard envelope.


The chocolate has a very dark black-ish brown colour. It has some red hues at the edges if held in the light.


The chocolate breaks with a clear snap sound.


The smell is initially sugary with a cocoa body hinting at an intense cocoa. However, cold sugar aromas dominate.


The chocolate melts cleanly into a very fine liquid without developing a soft or sticky edge.


The initial taste is sugar. Darker, slightly roasty cocoa notes develop on the tongue. The cocoa notes and sweetness switch forth and back in dominance. The sweetness is clearly noticeable throughout. Hints of warmer, nutty flavours develop at the rear of the mouth.


The aftertaste on the tongue and especially at the rear of the mouth is more of a physical sensation than a flavour. Only a weak aftertaste remains on the palate.


This chocolate is very well conched and fine. It has intense cocoa flavours that are framed by the sugar without showing bitter or sour notes.


The well conched chcocolate has delicate cocoa flavours without being stingy or bitter. Only the aftertaste hints at the actual intensity of the cocoa. 4 Stars.


Lot number: LP752135, best before 02/2023, tasted 16/06/2022 & 10/07/2022 & 17/07/2022

Tuesday 2 October 2018

R Chocolate - House Dark 70%

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


House Dark 70%
Main ingredients are cocoa kernel, cane sugar, and cocoa butter.
Cocoa content: minimum 70% cocoa


R Chocolate, 198 Ebury St, Belgravia, London, SW1W 8UN, United Kingdom


The chocolate is wrapped in aluminium foil and a red paper sleeve.


The chocolate is very dark brown with a black-ish hint. The edges appear with a white shimmer. The bar has some moulding air bubbles on the surface.


The chocolate breaks with a clear snap sound.


Opening the package releases an immediate cold-ish cocoa and fruity cane sugar aroma.


The chocolate melts slowly into a very fine liquid. The edges remain almost solid before melting into a liquid.


There is a brief bitter punch and an initial sweet flavour until the two mix and a more bitter, earthy flavour develops. As the chocolate melts, the fine liquid releases very warming cocoa flavours with hints of deep roasted walnuts and fruity hints of dried cherry and raisins towards the rear of the mouth. The cane sugar balances the bitterness but it may leave the feeling of sourness of the tongue.


The aftertaste is a mixture of some sweetness in the centre of the mouth, cocoa flavours at the rear, a subtle bitterness of roasted walnuts that is almost in the throat.


This is a very well conched dark chocolate some flavours of roasted nuts, mild bitterness, very little astringency and a balanced sweetness. The is some sourness that may tickle the tongue.


The chocolate melts abruptly from solid to liquid without any stickiness or softness. It has flavours of roasted nuts and the bitterness of walnuts and some hints of fruity notes. There are some subtle notes of sourness that may leave a tickling flavour on the tongue. 4 Stars.


Best before 22/11/2018, tasted 09&16&30/09/2018

Tuesday 29 May 2018

Paul A. Young - 100% Dark Chocolate Bar

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


100% Dark Chocolate Bar
Main ingredients are 100% Guittard dark chocolate.
Cocoa content: minimum 44% cocoa solids


paul.a.young fine chocolates, 143 Wardour St, SOHO, London, W1F 8WA, United Kingdom


The chocolate is wrapped and sealed in transparent plastic wrap.


The chocolate is very dark brown with a reddish hue at its edges.


The chocolate is hard to break but when it does, it breaks clearly in one snap.


There intensive cocoa aromas and fruity aromas of raisins.


The chocolate feels solid initially but becomes softer quickly. It feels slightly creamy and soft to touch before melting into a very fine liquid.


The chocolate requires a bit of time before it unfolds its flavours. It starts with dark cocoa flavours and a mild bitterness and astringency that are building up gradually. There is a subliminal sourness  that comes to the foreground when swallowed or moving and leaves a little sore sensation.


The aftertaste is mainly astringency and the hint of sourness.


This has deep and dark-ish flavours of cocoa that are very intensive. Its flavours are dominated by dark cocoa, bitterness and hints of sourness.


The chocolate is very well conched and melts very smoothly. It emphasises the dark cocoa notes of the cocoa. However, as the astringency and bitterness are building up, they have a tendency to entirely dominate the flavour. Thus, the cocoa and possibly fruity notes are hard to detect. Also, there is a little sour note in the chocolate that leaves a sore sensation on the tongue. 4 Stars.


Lot number: S14129, best before 01/09/2018, tasted 29/04&05&27/05/2018

Wednesday 24 May 2017

Confiserie Obermeier - Zartbitterschokolade (Dark chocolate)

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Zartbitterschokolade (Dark chocolate)
Main ingredients are sugar, cocoa butter, cocoa mass, soya lecithin, natural vanilla.
Cocoa content: minimum 60% cocoa


Confiserie Josef Obermeier, Lengmoos 5, 83536 Gars am Inn, Germany
Münchner SchokoLaden, Viktualienmarkt 3, Abteilung III, Stand 18/19, 80331 München, Germany


The 100g chocolate bar is wrapped in a transparent plastic sleeve.


The chocolate is very dark brown with a noticeable red hue that is particularly noticeable at the edges.


The chocolate breaks with a clear 'snap' sound.


The smells of sugar, vanilla, cocoa and roasted nuts.


The chocolate melts quickly and smoothly into a very fine liquid.


The chocolate flavour is initially dominated by sweetness. The chocolate quickly releases cocoa flavours with notes of coffee and roasted nuts. The sweetness is balanced but it tends to overwhelm the more exciting cocoa flavours after a while.


The aftertastes are cocoa with a mild bitterness and sweetness.


This chocolate has an intense cocoa flavour with roasted nuts and coffee flavours. It is also sweetened and melts smoothly.


The chocolate melts very evenly into a very fine chocolate while maintaining an even surface. However, its sweetness tends to overwhelm the nicely warming coffee and roasted nuts flavours of the cocoa. 4 Stars.


Tasted 10&14&20/05/2017

Friday 17 February 2017

Valrhona - Noir Araguani

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Valrhona - Noir Araguani (dark chocolat)
Main ingredients are cocoa beans, brown sugar, cocoa butter, soya lecithin, vanilla.
Cocoa content: minimum 72% cocoa


Valrhona, 26600 Tain L'Hermitage, France


The 70g chocolate bar is sealed in aluminium foil and wrapped in a cardboard envelope.


The chocolate is very dark brown. Its edges have a red hint in sunlight.


The chocolate breaks with a clear snap sound.


The smells is of cocoa, a very light bitterness and sugar.


The chocolate has a very smooth surface and melts slowly and evenly into a very fine and smooth liquid.


The initial flavour is a light sweetness but cocoa flavours evolve quickly. The cocoa has a dark hint of roast and a bitterness as in coffee and bark. But the cocoa is framed by a surprisingly intense sweetness.


The aftertaste is mainly sweetness at the front of the mouth and some notes of cocoa and bitterness towards the rear and sides of the mouth.


This is dark chocolate with a very smooth texture that melts evenly into a fine liquid. The cocoa has some notes of bitterness and is framed by sugary sweetness.


The chocolate has a very smooth structure. But its flavours are dominated by sweetness that almost hides the interesting richness of the cocoa. 4 Stars.


Lot number: LP7515281, best before 02/2017, tasted 22&23/01&12/02/2017

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Pana Cacao - Eighty (Dark chocolate)

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Main ingredients are cacao (butter and powder), dark agave nectar.
Cocoa content: minimum 80% cocoa solidsno vanilla


Pana Cacao, 15 Albert St, Richmond, VIC 3121, AUSTRALIA


The 45g chocolate bar is wrapped in aluminium paper and a cardboard box.


The chocolate is dark brown with a distinctive red hue at its edges.


The chocolate breaks with a thud sound.


Opening the packaging initially releases a cacao aroma but there is a strong sweet and fruity smell.


The surface of the chocolate feels very smooth and even initially. However as the chocolate melts in the mouth, it feels slightly rough and textured. The chocolate melts slowly into a very fine and smooth liquid. But surface of the remaining chocolate chunk feels rough and may give rise to the false impression of a floury liquid.


The chocolate has a dark cacao flavour with hints of a nicely balanced bitterness and astringency. There is a distinct and subtle sweetness that combines with the dark cacao into a smooth and almost velvety taste. After a little while, the bitterness develops notes of roasted nuts.


The aftertaste is a strong cacao flavour that spreads everywhere and notes of the distinct sweetness of the cacao. The cacao notes towards the rear of the mouth remain more present as time passes.


This chocolate has a distinct sweetness that combines nicely with the dark, bitter and nutty notes of the cacao. It melts slowly into a fine liquid although its surface can feel rough and textured.


The chocolate has an usual and nicely warming rich combination of cacao, bitterness and sweetness. It emphasises the cacao quality of the product. When melting, the surface of the chocolate can feel slightly rough and create the false impression of a product that melts into a floury liquid. 4 Stars.


Best before 08/11/2016, tasted 05&20&26/11/2016

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Wohlfahrt - Roasted cocoa nibs

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Roasted cocoa nibs.
Ingredients are just cocoa nibs.
Cocoa content: minimum 100% cocoa solidsno vanilla


Wohlfarth Schokolade, Choriner Straße 37, 10435 Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin, Germany


The cocoa nibs are wrapped in a transparent plastic bag of 50g (other sizes available).


The nibs are dark brown. Some parts are darker, others are lighter with shades of red. The edges are much lighter coloured and almost white and appear to be almost powder.


When breaking the nibs, they emit a clear crackling sound.


The nibs smell of a mild cocoa and hints of roast aroma. They also have chocolatey aroma to them that is similar to milk chocolate.


Initially, the nibs feel cold when they touch the lips and tongue. Their surface feels surprisingly smooth and even. Chewing them feels similar to chopped almonds.


The taste unfolds slowly. It starts with a mild bitterness and roast flavours. This combines with an intense cocoa flavour that resembles very dark chocolate. The bitterness is very light, resembling that of lavender or roses. There are also hints of bark and roasted nuts.


The aftertaste lingers for quite a while. It is mainly cocoa and the mild bitterness and an impression of very smooth chocolate.


These cocoa nibs taste very intensively of cocoa with a mild bitterness and hints of roast, nuts and petals.


These cocoa nibs offer an intense experience. Given the size and amount, they are very rich in flavour. Their bitterness is immediately detectable but not overly hitting. They are not sour and leave an intense aftertaste of dark chocolate. 4 Stars.


Tasted 30/10&01/11/2016

Monday 8 August 2016

Hotel Chocolat - Hazelnut Chocolate Spread

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Hazelnut Chocolate Spread
Main ingredients are hazelnut paste (65%, hazelnuts, sugar, sorbitol, soy lecithin), cocoa solids (cocoa mass and cocoa butter), sunflower oil, sugar, soy lecithin, vanilla.
Cocoa content: The manufacturer lists 70% in the dark chocolate but it is not mentioned in the ingredients list. The amount of cocoa solids is not mentioned, thus no ratio is reported.


Hotel Chocolate Ltd, Mint House, ROYSTON, Hertfordshire, SG8 5HL, United Kingdom


The 150g chocolate spread is in a plastic jar which is sealed with the label.


The chocolate spread is middle brown with hints of read.


Not applicable.


Opening the pan releases an intense hazelnut aroma which is mixed with roast aromas.


The spread is very soft and disperses immediately in the mouth. Once it has reached a surface it sticks to this briefly as if the spread had become mire dry once it arrived in the mouth. However, this sensation quickly disappears as the spread dissolves again. The spread is smooth but occasionally has some small particles.


The initial taste is a light sweetness that quickly merges with roasted hazelnut aromas. The sweetness remains present throughout. This makes the roasted hazelnut flavours comparably light.


The aftertaste is dominated by a light sweetness and some hazelnut flavours.


This is a light and smooth, sweet hazelnut spread. It does not emphasise the roast and cocoa flavours but appears rather light and sweet.


The hazelnut spread is well made towards the light and sweet flavours. It disperses velvety in the mouth and initially almost feels fluffy to the tongue. But it some very small particles in it. Not taking into account that the label argueing that there is more cocoa, less sugar and makes a statement about 'dark chocolate' which is not in the ingredients list, it is nice hazelnut spread. 4 Stars.


Lot number: 16108, best before: 11/2016, tasted 31/07/&02&05/08/2016

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Artisan du Chocolat - Goat milk chocolate

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Goat milk chocolate
Ingredients are cane sugar, full cream goat milk powder, cocoa butter, cocoa beans, soya lecithin.
Cocoa content: minimum 40% cocoano vanilla


Artisan du Chocolat, 89 Lower Sloane Street, London, SW1 8DA, United Kingdom


The 45g chocolate is wrapped and sealed in transparant wrap and a printed card board envelope.


The chocolate is middle brown with a light orange and grey shade as opposed to  red hint.


The chocolate breaks with a clear snap sound.


The bar smells of milk and a hint cocoa. There is no strong goat-like smell as in goat's cheese but a sweet-ish, grass-like hint.


The chocolate feels initially smoother than expected and melts slowly into a thick liquid. It remains slightly chewy without dissolving into a liquid.


The first flavour is surprising note of goat's cheese. This quickly pairs up with sweetness, milky flavours and light hint of cocoa.


The aftertaste is mainly milk with a mild sweetness and some notes of goat's cheese.


The chocolate's smell does not prepare for the surprising goat's cheese flavour. The smooth milk chocolate balances a mild sweetness and cocoa with the goat milk flavour.


This is a well-made, smooth milk chocolate. It frames the goat's milk surprisingly well with cocoa and sugar. But the chocolate melts very slowly and remains a thick-ish liquid. 4 Stars.


Lot number: 21934, best before 11/2016, tasted 09&12/06/2016

Monday 2 May 2016

Sarotti - Milk chocolate (Edelvollmilch)

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Milk chocolate (Edelvollmilchschokolade)
Ingredients are sugar, cocoa butter, cocoa mass, whole milk powder, soya lecithin and flavouring.
Cocoa content: minimum 45% cocoa


SAROTTI GmbH, Motzener Str. 32, 12277 Marienfelde, Berlin, Germany


Individual bars of 25g chocolate are wrapped in aluminium paper. Four bars are combined into a card board enveloped of 100g.


The chocolate is middle brown with some warmer red tones.


The chocolate breaks with a very clear snap sound.


It smells of sugar, milk, cocoa and some hints from artificial aroma.


The chocolate is smooth and melts into thick-ish, creamy liquid before dissolving completely.


The chocolate tastes of milky caramel with hints of cocoa. Fine notes of its bitterness are balanced with the cream and sugar and emphasise a mild cocoa impression.


The aftertaste is mainly of cream and caramelised sugar but there are also some cocoa notes.


This is a creamy milk chocolate with caramelised sugar and cocoa flavours. The sweetness and bitterness of the cocoa are well balanced.


The Sarotti milk chocolate is well made, comes with a milky and creamy mouthfeel and has some cocoa notes. The product is sweet (as you would expect with a milk chocolate). But this sweetness is balanced such that whole thing has a creamy, chocolatey feel and taste. 4 Stars.
This product is from the supermarket shelf and has an outstanding value for money.


Lot number: 152822, best before 09/10/2016, tasted 29/04&01/05/2016

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Hotel Chocolat - Banoffee Pie

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Banoffee Pie chocolate
Main ingredients are Cocoa solids, sugar, full cream milk powder, shortbread biscuits, banana chips, caramelised sugar.
Cocoa content: minimum 40% cocoa solids in the milk chocolate and 33% in the caramel chocolate.


Hotel Chocolate Ltd, Mint House, ROYSTON, Hertfordshire, SG8 5HL, United Kingdom


The chocolate is wrapped and sealed in transparent plastic wrap.


The chocolate is very light brown on one half and darker but still light brown on the other half. Small round-ish pieces of biscuit are visible on one side, a white chocolate swirl and banana chips on the other side.


The chocolate is actually quite difficult break due to its thickness. If it breaks, it does so with a snap sound.


The chocolate has a warm and rich caramel smell with cream notes.


The chocolate has a very smooth mouth feel and melts very quickly. The biscuit feels nice and crumbly as shortbread.


Initially, there is a surprisingly intense banana flavour which quickly mixes with a creamy, caramelly milk chocolate flavour. The biscuit crumbles are coated in something like white chocolate and maintain their buttery flavour and crisp.


The aftertaste is mainly the sweetness of the caramel and some milk flavour.


This is a creamy caramel and banana chocolate with crumbly biscuit pieces.


The chocolate lives up to its promise of reflecting a rich, creamy banoffee pie. The caramel and the banana can taste somewhat artificial. It could be a perfect rich yet fruity praline with some fresh banana. The banana chips are quite hard and interfere with resemblance of (almost) overly ripe banana slices ditched in caramel and cream. 4 Stars.


Lot number: 15 328, best before 06/2016, tasted 21&23/04/2016

Thursday 14 April 2016

Biscuiterie de l'Abbaye - Le Petit Normand Chocolat au Lait

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Le Petit Normand - Chocolat au Lait biscuits
Main ingredients are wheat flour 34%, milk chocolate 30% (sugar, cocoa butter, whole milk powder...), sugar 14.5%, butter 14%, oat flakes, whole milk 4%, whole milk powder 2%.
Cocoa content: not stated


Biscuiterie de l'Abbaye S.A.S., Route du Val, 617000 Lonlay l'Abbaye, France


The biscuits are in a plastic tray, wrapped and sealed plastic wrap and packed in a cardboard box.


The chocolate is light brown and the biscuits lightly browned yellow.


The biscuits break with clear crumbly sounds.


There is clear smell of butter and dough from the biscuits as soon as the plastic seal is opened.


The biscuits are very crunchy and maintain this throughout. The chocolate is smooth and dissolves quickly as the biscuit is being eaten.


The chocolate has a milky taste with some sweetness. The biscuits have an intense butter taste that mixes nicely with the chocolate.


The aftertaste is mainly the baked butter of the biscuits and some hints of the milky chocolate.


The biscuits have a crunchy structure and a rich buttery flavour which mixes nicely with the milk chocolate.


The biscuits are rich in flavour and structure. The milky chocolate mixes nicely but the chocolate tastes mainly of milk and sugar and could deserve a bit more attention. 4 Stars.


Lot number: 6060, best before 28/02/2017, tasted 10/04/2016

Thursday 28 January 2016

Dallmayr - Cantucci al Cacao e Nocciola

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Cantucci al Cacao e Nocciola - Hazelnut and cocoa biscuits
Main ingredients are wheat, sugar, hazelnuts (23%), eggs, margarine, butter
Cocoa content: 4%


Manufactured in Italy (hand made according to label) for: Alois Dallmayr KG, 80331 München, Germany


The 250g load of biscuits is sealed in plastic. A cardboard label is attached above the seal.


The biscuits are dark brown with a few sprinkles of sugar on the sides. Whole hazelnuts are visible in the fluffy dough.


The biscuits are hard as cantucci should be. They make a loud "crack" sound when broken.


The biscuits have a warm hazelnut and cocoa smell.


These biscuits are very crunchy. After chewing the first bits, the dough still feels light.


The initial taste is very sweet when you feel the sugar on the outside. When crunching through the biscuits, they develop cocoa and roasted hazelnut flavours.


The biscuits have a light cocoa aftertaste with a mild roasted note from the hazelnuts.


These biscuits are crunchy and sweet with a nicely balanced, mild flavour of cocoa and hazelnut.


These are well-executed cantucci style biscuits. They come with solid crunch from start to finish and are nicely balanced between sweetness, cocoa and warming hazelnut flavours.


Lot number: 070815, best before 07 April 2016, tasted 24 January 2016

Friday 22 January 2016

Hotel Chocolate - Nutty Bûche

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Nutty Hazelnut & Pistachio Bûche (42% hazelnut paste, 5% pistachios, 5% hazelnuts and cocoa solids), suitable for vegans


Hotel Chocolate Ltd, Mint House, ROYSTON, Hertfordshire, SG8 5HL, United Kingdom


The 160g bûche sits in a small plastic tray with a lit covering its cylindrical shape. This package is sealed in plastic.


The surface is dark brown, shiny and smooth. Some nuts are not covered by chocolate but are still inside the cylindrical shape.


The bûche is meant to be cut with a knife which I did. It is surprisingly solid. Smaller pieces break with a thud rather than a snap.


It smells like hazelnut, roasted hazelnut and cocoa.


The chocolate melts very quickly into a smooth cream. This quickly continues to dissolve into a liquid (with a small bite).


Directly after melting, it releases a brief note of sweetness. This rapidly changes into hazelnut, roasted nut and dark, earthy cocoa flavours. Despite the initial hint of sweetness, this bûche is much stronger, earthier and cocoa-ish than gianduja or the like.


Once it has molten to the liquid state, a mixture of nut and earthy cocoa flavours is released which lingers in the back of the mouth and on the tongue for a while.


This bûche comes with rich hazelnut and roasting flavours combined with an earthy cocoa. It is more like dark chocolate and much less sweet than the initial hint would suggest.


This well-executed bûche is a surprisingly dark and earthy cocoa experience with hazelnuts.

Thursday 21 January 2016

Laverstoke Park Farm - Buffalo Milk Chocolate by Artisan du Chocolat

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Laverstoke Park Farm Milk Chocolate Made with Buffalo Milk, conched and refined by Artisan du Chocolat with 35% cocoa solids, no vanilla


Laverstoke Park Farm, OVERTON, Hampshire, RG25&nbsp3DR, United Kingdom


The 45g chocolate bar is wrapped in a cardboard envelope and sealed in plastic wrap.


The surface is shiny and smooth. Its colour is dark brown which is much darker than usual with milk chocolate.


The bar is comparably soft and does not snap.


It smells surprisingly lightly like cream and soft cheese with a mild sweetness.


It starts melting quickly and dissolves into a rich creaminess.


I expected something very strong and earthy. However, I was surprised to find it tastes more like cream. As the flavours unfold, they become stronger changing from fresh cream and soft cheese into a hint of ripened cheese. This is accompanied by a mild sweetness and a hint of hay/grass.


The aftertaste is perhaps like a ripened cheese but creamier and lighter.


The buffalo milk chocolate is much lighter than I expected and comes with a nice creamy mouthfeel. The flavour starts in fresh cream and develops towards light cheese note.


This chocolate is definitely worth the experience and comes with unexpected flavours.