Showing posts with label 5 Stars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 5 Stars. Show all posts

Tuesday 30 July 2019

Grenada Chocolate Company - 100% Dark Chocolate

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


100% Dark Chocolate
Main ingredients are cocoa beans.
Cocoa content: minimum 100% cocoa solids


The Grenada Chocolate Company Ltd, Hermitage, St Patrick, Grenada, The Caribbean


The 85g chocolate bar is wrapped in aluminium paper and a paper sleeve.


The chocolate is very dark brown with a distinct red hue on the surface and at the edges.


The chocolate breaks with a clear snap sound.


The chocolate has light smell but this comes with intense cocoa aromas and dark bitterness. There also some fruity notes reminiscent of honeydew melons.


The chocolate is initially very tough and solid. It slowly melts into an dispersing find liquid while its melting surfaces become slightly rough.


The initial taste is an intense bitterness with some tobacco-ish notes in the front and almost charred flavours at the rear of the mouth. The bitterness remains but fruity flavours of melon develop next to a very intense cocoa flavour. There is no sourness and only a very mild astringency despite the intense bitterness.


The chocolate almost remains present on the tongue. Its aftertaste is dominated by the slowly fading bitterness. Intense cocoa are at the rear of the mouth at the palate.


This is a very intense and dark chocolate with flavours of tobacco. This emphasises the dark flavours of the cocoa. The flavours remain clear without any warm flavours of nuts or roast. It has no sourness and a very mild astringency.


The chocolate brings out the dark, tobacco like flavours of the cocoa. It is very intense and bitter without showing sourness. It is very well crafted with a very good melt. 5 Stars.


Lot number: 837, best before 11/01/2020, tasted 14&28/07/2019

Tuesday 9 July 2019

Bonnat Chocolatier - Selva Maya

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Selva Maya
Main ingredients are cocoa, cocoa butter, sugar.
Cocoa content: minimum 75% cocoa.


Bonnat Chocolatier, BP 48, 8 cours Sénozon, 38502 Voiron Cedex, France


The 100g chocolate bar is covered in aluminium paper and a paper envelope.


The chocolate is very dark brown with a red hue at its edges.


The chocolate breaks with a clear snap sound.


The smell is clear and light cocoa aroma with some ripe fruit and sugar. As the chocolate gets warmer, the cocoa becomes more intense.


The chocolate feels very hard initially. It melts into a very fine liquid almost without becoming sticky or soft or transition.


The initial flavour is comparably bitter. Intense dark cocoa flavours with noticeable astringency develop as the chocolate melts. These are accompanied by a little fruity sourness. The slightly toasty and woody cocoa flavours are mainly in the centre and rear of the mouth. Some sour berry fruits are noticeable on the top the front of the mouth. The flavours are intense but contained and delicate. Astringency is very mild and only builds up over time.


The aftertaste is mainly cocoa flavour towards the rear of the mouth that develops into some fruity notes.


This has a very good melt and mouthfeel. It has delicate flavours that emphasise the darker chocolate flavours with some sweetness and sour-ish notes.


This is a very well crafted dark chocolate with a very good melt. It comes with delicate yet intense cocoa flavours. 5 Stars.


Lot number: A, best before 04/2020, tasted 26/05&02&16/06/&07/07/2019

Wednesday 24 April 2019

Artisan du Chocolat - Dark chocolate 100%

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Dark chocolat 100% cocoa
Main ingredients are cocoa beans.
Cocoa content: 100% cocoa solids


Artisan du Chocolat, 89 Lower Sloane Street, London, SW1 8DA, United Kingdom


The 45g chocolate bar is sealed in transparent plastic wrap and wrapped in a cardboard.


The chocolate is very dark brown with a red hue.


The chocolate breaks with a clear 'click' sound.


The chocolate has only a little smell. The aromas are reminiscent of the roast of nuts or oak wood and have hints of fermented tea and metal. As the chocolate warms in the hand, it releases warming, intense cocoa aromas.


The chocolate initially feels cold with a solid, smooth surface. The surface of the chocolate becomes softer and creamy as it slowly dissolves. It melts into a very fine, velvety and creamy liquid.


The initial flavour is a slightly astringent bitterness. As the chocolate melts slowly, it unfolds very dark cocoa flavours with an edge of nuts and roast. They are accompanied by an intense but mild bitterness. Despite its intensity, the chocolate has little astringency, almost no acidity and the warm flavour of dark roasted nuts.


The aftertaste lasts very long and is mainly a central flavours of cocoa and roast. A mild bitterness lingers in the mouth.


This chocolate is as intense as get it gets. It has a mild bitterness, rich flavour of cocoa and dark roast nuts. The flavours are very intense, the melt is very fine and creamy without being sticky. However, this is not for the faint-hearted, there is no sweetness, milk or dairy creaminess about it.


This chocolate is well crafted. It has intense cocoa flavours, an intense but yet mild bitterness and a dark-ish roasty edge. 5 Stars.


Lot number: 36728, best before 12/2019, tasted 09/12/2018&22/04/2019

Tuesday 7 August 2018

Rózsavölgyi Csokoládé - Whole Ground Chocolate

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Whole Ground Chocolate
Main ingredients are cocoa beans with shell, cane sugar, cocoa butter.
Cocoa content: minimum 72% cocoa


Rózsavölgyi Csokoládé Kft., Ringló út. 33, 1221 Budapest Budafok, Hungary


The 70g chocolate bar is wrapped in quite strong parchment paper and a card board box.


The chocolate is very dark brown with red hue. Smaller bits appear red-brown.


The chocolate breaks with a very clear and abrupt snap sound.


Opening the parchment paper releases aromas of cocoa, cane sugar and fruity notes of muskmelon.


The chocolate initially feels hard and almost sharp edged. It starts melting quickly and after a short-lived sticky stage, it melts into a very fine and creamy liquid.


The initial contact has a fruity melon like flavour. As the chocolate starts melting, intense and rich but light cocoa flavours develop. The cocoa has a very mild bitterness that slowly turns into flavours of roasted nuts and caramelised, ripe fruit on top of the rich cocoa flavours.


The aftertaste is a fruity cocoa flavour with tiny hints of a fruity sourness.


This chocolate is dark and it has very a rich, fruit and cocoa feel. Its flavours are more fruity and light and emphasising the cocoa in the product.


The whole ground chocolate provides a fine, rich almost creamy melt. The cocoa flavours have a distinct tropical, melon edge with notes of caramel. The chocolate emphasises a full, rich cocoa body. 5 Stars.


Lot number: MT4404WG, best before 30/01/2020, tasted 24/06&22&29/07/2018

Tuesday 31 July 2018

Honest Chocolate - Dark Chocolate 80%

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Dark Chocolate 80%
Main ingredients are cocoa beans, unrefined cane sugar.
Cocoa content: minimum 80% cocoa solids


Honest Chocolate, The Woodstock Exchange, 66 Albert Road, Woodstock, Cape Town,7925, South Africa


The 60g chocolate bar is wrapped in aluminium paper and a card board sleeve.


The chocolate is dark red-brown with a very shiny surface.


The chocolate breaks with a clear snap sound.


Opening the package releases intensive fruity cocoa aromas with hints of coffee, roasted nuts and sweetness.


The chocolate melts into a very fine liquid. Its surfaces become slightly rougher and soft when melting.


The initial flavour is sweet. As soon as the chocolate starts melting, a full cocoa body unfolds. A fruity sourness builds up that is framed by roasted nuts and a mild astringency. Later, the flavour of unripe red fruit emerges. Its sourness increases up to an almost tingling sensation. Hints of roasted nuts and bitterness develop next to the full bodied yet light, fruity and sour cocoa.


The aftertaste is a light fruity sourness in the centre of the mouth that is slightly tingling. There is also a mildly astringent cocoa flavours at the rear of the mouth.


This dark chocolate has a fruity and sour flavour with flavours of roasted nuts. The full bodied cocoa flavour emphasises the fruity sourness and lighter flavours of its cocoa. The astringency and bitterness are very mild making this chocolate a comparable 'light' dark chocolate.


The chocolate is very well manufactured and melts nicely. It emphasises the cocoa's fruity flavours and showcases its complexity as each components develops one by one. 5 Stars.


Lot number: 180530-1, best before 30/05/2019, tasted 15&22&28&29/07/2018

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Artisan du Chocolat - Date Milk

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Date Milk
Main ingredients are dried date (date, maize starch, emulsifier: sunflower lecithin), cocoa butter, dried whole milk, cocoa beans, emulsifier: soya lecithin.
Cocoa content: minimum 44% cocoa, 21% milk, no vanilla


Artisan du Chocolat, 89 Lower Sloane Street, London, SW1 8DA, United Kingdom


The 45g chocolate bar is sealed in transparent plastic wrap and packed in card board.


The chocolate is light brown with white shimmer at its edges.


The chocolate initially feels softly as if won't break at all. But it does so with a snappy sound.


The smell is sugary and milky. There are light notes of cocoa.


The chocolate feels soft in the mouth. It has a somewhat sticky surface when melting. It melts into a fine liquid.


The chocolate has a very creamy flavour with some darker notes of fermented milk. As chocolate melts, it develops the flavour of caramelised fruit sugar with a tiny hint of bitterness. This makes the cream really heavy and dominating a slowly emerging flowery fruitnote and hints of cocoa.


The aftertaste is mainly an intense creaminess with some dark fruity and caramel notes.


This is a really creamy milk chocolate with caramel, fruit and some flowery notes.


This milk chocolate has very rich cream flavours and it also develops complex flavours of caramel, fruit and hints of flower. It melts nicely without getting too sticky. 5 Stars.


Lot number: 27469, best before 08/2018, tasted 22&28/04&05&06/05/2018

Wednesday 11 April 2018

Pâtisserie Chocolaterie Pralus - 100% Criollo

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


100% Criollo
Main ingredients are cocoa beans from Madagascar, pure cocoa butter, soy lecithin.
Cocoa content: 100% cocoa


Pâtisserie Chocolaterie Pralus S.A.S., 34 Rue General Giraud, 42300 Roanne, France


The 100g chocolate bar is wrapped in aluminium foil and a paper sleeve.


The chocolate is very dark brown. Its surface is very shiny and its edges have light red hue.


The chocolate breaks with a very clear snap sound.


The smell is light after opening the package and slowly makes it to the nose. The chocolate has clear cocoa aromas with hints of dark roast.


The chocolate feels almost buttery at the fingers and in the mouth. But it is solid and melts into a very fine liquid. The melting edges are even with only little softness before turning into a liquid.


The initial flavour is cocoa but this is quickly replaced by sourness and astringency. Fruity, almost sweet flavours of sour cherry, red berries and fig unfold. Slowly, bitter and intense cocoa flavours with hints of coffee-ish flavours unfold.


After the last bit of chocolate is gone, a sensation of astringency lingers on the middle centre of the tongue. A mild bitterness emerges at the gums and the astringency fades out slowly. This is replaced by flavours of cocoa and roasted nuts.


This is a complex dark chocolate with intense cocoa flavours, astringency and very fruity notes. The fruity flavours give the chocolate light almost sweet edge.


The chocolate is a very well conched chocolate with intense and complex flavours that unfold step by step. It emphasises the red berry notes of the pure cocoa. 5 Stars.


Best before 11/10/2019, tasted 10&11/03&10/04/2018

Tuesday 13 March 2018

Pâtisserie Chocolaterie Pralus - Tobago Estate Chocolate W.I., Roxborough

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Tobago Estate Chocolate W.I., Roxborough
Main ingredients are cocoa, sugar, pure cocoa butter, soy lecithin.
Cocoa content: minimum 70% cocoa


Pâtisserie Chocolaterie Pralus S.A.S., 34 Rue General Giraud, 42300 Roanne, France


The 100g chocolate bar is wrapped in aluminium foil and a paper sleeve.


The chocolate is very dark brown with a distinct red shimmer on all surfaces.


The chocolate breaks with a very clear snap sound.


There are a lot of cocoa aromas with notes of agave and cream, as well as hints of nuts.


The chocolate initially feels very hard and solid. It melts slowly into a very fine liquid. While melting the body remains solid with clear edges between solid and liquid chocolate.


The chocolate starts with brief sweet note and a lasting more astringent coffee flavour. Dark roasted nuts and intense dark cocoa flavours develop. Lighter, more acidic flavours evolve after some time and leave hint of some sour fruity notes. The sweetness is noticeable more as a sensation than a flavour and counters the sour notes.


The aftertaste is mainly cocoa flavour in the middle of the mouth, with some sourness at the sides and roasted nut flavours at the rear of the mouth


This is a dark chocolate with rich and intense flavours of dark roasted nuts, coffee as well as fruity and sour notes.


This is a very well made chocolate with very good melt. It preserves the flavours of its original cocoa and show-cases them. 5 Stars.


Best before 23/07/2018, tasted 14/01&18/02&10/03/2018

Tuesday 9 January 2018

Valrhona - Gran Couva Trinidad Noir 64%

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Chocolate de Domaine Gran Couva, Trinidad - 64%
Main ingredients are cocoa beans, sugar, cocoa butter, soya lecithin, vanilla extract.
Cocoa content: minimum 64% cocoa


Valrhona, 26600 Tain L'Hermintage, France


The 70g chocolate bar is sealed in aluminium foil and wrapped in cardboard.


The chocolate is very dark brown and appears almost black with a light red hue. The edges of the broken chocolate pieces have red and white hues.


The chocolate breaks with a clear snap sound.


The chocolate has aromas of ripe melon and guava and molasses. The intense cocoa aromas add a dark-ish twist to the smell.


The chocolate melts into a very fine liquid. During process, its surface and edges remain almost perfectly solid and even.


The initial flavour is a light sweetness. Fruity flavours of guava and melon unfold quickly towards middle and front of the tongue. Light spices such as clove, cardamom, Moroccan mint and tonka combine with the cocoa flavour at the middle and rear of the tongue.


The aftertaste alight cocoa taste at the rear of the mouth with a very little astringency and bitterness.


This is a dark chocolate with very light and complex flavours of fruit and spices.


Astringency, bitterness and sourness are (almost) completely absent in this dark chocolate. Instead it shows the very fruity and spicy notes of the cocoa. The dancing complexity of its flavour is exceptional. 5 Stars.


Lot number: LP7516239, best before 01/2018, tasted 24/09&21/10/&12/11/2017&07/01/2018

Tuesday 17 October 2017

Rózsavölgyi Csokoládé - Trincheras 95%

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Trincheras 95%
Main ingredients are Trincheras cocoa beans, cocoa butter, cane sugar. No vanilla.
Cocoa content: minimum 95% cocoa


Rózsavölgyi Csokoládé Kft., Ringló út. 33, 1221 Budapest Budafok, Hungary


The 25g chocolate bar is wrapped in quite strong parchment paper and little card board box.


The chocolate is very dark red-brown with a lighter red-brown hue at the edges.


The chocolate breaks with a clear and edgy snap sound.


The chocolate has a rich and warm cocoa smell with hints of hazel and grass. As chocolate warms in the hand, some darker notes of oak unfold. The grass aromas slowly develop into a more flowery note of dried fruit.


The thin chocolate bar melts quickly into a very fine liquid. The solid part becomes softer.


The chocolate unfolds a dark-ish and intense cocoa flavour. Its astringency and bitterness are mild and almost tickle the tongue. Flavours of smoke and roast build up. The last bit ends in an almost fruity sweet kick of dried fruit.


The aftertaste is cocoa flavour with notes of roasted nuts and wood. It lingers at the front of the mouth and on the tongue. After a few minutes, the aftertaste moves slowly towards the rear of the mouth, has few more fruity hints and slowly fades out.


This is a very dark chocolate with intense cocoa flavours, notes of wood, smoked and roasted nuts and a noticeable but mild astringency and bitterness. It ends in a little kick of dried fruit. Small pieces of chocolate are very intense already.


This is a very well made chocolate with intense and complex flavours that unfold over time and remain present for several minutes even with tiny pieces of chocolate. The cocoa has an interesting astringency and bitterness. 5 Stars.


Lot number: T4229, best before 30/04/2018, tasted 17/09&08&15/10/2017

Thursday 15 June 2017

Original Beans - Piura Porcelana cocoa nibs

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Piura Porcelana cocoa nibs (Peru)
Main ingredients are cocoa beans.
Cocoa content: minimum 100% cocoa solids.


Original Beans, Keizergracht 452, 1016 GD Amsterdam, Netherlands
But the packaging indicates that the product was actually made in Switzerland.


The 150g cocoa nibs are wrapped in a paper bag with an inner lining from transparent plastic.


The cocoa nibs are dark brown from the outside. The edges are very light brown and almost appear white-ish.


The nibs break with clear crackly sounds.


The cocoa nibs have an intense cocoa smell with aromas of nuts, roast, wood and light floral notes.


The nibs have an even surface feeling that initially feels cold. The nibs are brittle and crunchy.


The nibs have a nutty cocoa flavour with roast, dry wood and hints of roasted walnuts. A little astringency and bitterness unfold over time.


The aftertaste is dominated by the cocoa's darker flavours of roast, dry wood and a little bitterness.


These cocoa nibs have an intense cocoa smell. The flavour is mainly cocoa, wood and roasted nuts. Their astringency and bitterness are very mild. Their flavour is not heavy and dark. It comes with finer and lighter flavours.


The cocoa nibs have an intense smell of cocoa with dry wood and nuts that is lifted with floral notes. Their flavours are dominated by cocoa, dry wood and roasted. The nibs have no acidity and very mild bitterness and astringency. Thus, finer flavours can shine through and make the nibs lighter and more subtle than other products. 5 Stars.


Best before 11/11/2018, tasted 25/05&03&13/06/2017

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Artisan du Chocolat - Black Cardamom Dark Chocolate

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Black Cardamom Dark Chocolate
Main ingredients are cocoa beans, cane sugar, cocoa butter, black cardamom, green cardamom, emulsifier soya lecithin and vanilla extract.
Cocoa content: minimum 70% cocoa


Artisan du Chocolat, 89 Lower Sloane Street, London, SW1 8DA, United Kingdom


The 45g chocolate bar is sealed in transparent plastic wrap and packed in card board.


The chocolate is very dark brown. After breaking the chocolate, the edges have a distinct red hue.


The chocolate breaks with a very clear snap sound.


There are intense cocoa aromas as well as some vanilla and fragrant citric green cardamom aromas.


The chocolate develops a surprisingly soft surface and melts quickly into a very fine and smooth liquid.


The chocolate initially unfolds a cocoa flavour. As soon as it melts, the cardamom adds a fresh, green lemony note that evolves into the warm and more spicy cardamom flavour. The spicy cardamom and cocoa  combine into an intense warming cocoa-chocolate flavour.


The aftertaste is characterised by both the cocoa and the cardamom. There is a tendency for the spicy cardamom to be more present on the tongue whereas the cocoa and spice is more present in the rear of the palate.


This is a cardamom flavoured dark chocolate with an intense cocoa, spice and light citrus flavours. It melts very smoothly and evenly.


This chocolate has a very smooth structure and melts very finely. It comes with a rich and warming combination of cardamom and cocoa. It also has some lighter citrus flavours from the green cardamom. The spice can be quite intense on the tongue but this really combines into a very rich cocoa-chocolate experience. 5 Stars.


Lot number: 22121, best before 03/2017, tasted 04&05/03/2017

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Wohlfahrt - 2081

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Wohlfahrt - 2081 (dark whole milk chocolate)
Main ingredients are cacao mass, raw cane sugar, cacao butter and whole milk powder.
Cocoa content: minimum 81% cocoa solidsno vanilla


Wohlfarth Schokolade, Choriner Straße 37, 10435 Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin, Germany


The 45g chocolate bar is wrapped and sealed in transparent plastic wrap.


The chocolate is very shiny, dark brown with hints of red.


The chocolate breaks with a clear snap sound.


The smells of cacao and milk with clearly distinguishable sugar note.


The chocolate has a smooth surface but when melting it feels as if there was a fine texture on its surface. It melts quickly into a very fine liquid.


The initial flavour is a very mild sweetness. After starting to melt, the chocolate unfolds a more darker cacao flavour with a distinct bitterness of roasted coffee. The rich, bitter cacao notes are nicely supported by a mild, almost sublime sweetness and hints of milk that pop up every now and then.


The aftertaste is mainly a mild bitterness of cacao, roast and coffee flavours.


This chocolate tastes more like a dark chocolate than a milk chocolate. Its bitterness has some coffee notes and it has a mild bitterness that combines nicely with the sweetness.


This chocolate has an interesting and rich complexity providing changes as it melts. 5 Stars.


Best before 12/2016, tasted 05&26/11/2016

Thursday 20 October 2016

Wohlfahrt - Milk chocolate with lemongrass-olive oil

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Lemongrass - Milchschokolade mit Lemongrass-Olivenöl (Milk chocolate with lemongrass-olive oil)
Main ingredients are raw cane sugar, cocoa butter, whole milk powder, cocoa mass, lemongrass-olive oil.
Cocoa content: minimum 41% cocoano vanilla


Wohlfarth Schokolade, Choriner Straße 37, 10435 Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin, Germany


The 45g chocolate bar is wrapped in white sandwich paper.


The chocolate is middle brown with some red. The surface is a bit rough with very thin lines and slightly shiny from oil.


The chocolate breaks with clear sound but it is thuddy.


The aroma is mainly milk and something that reminds of light oriental spices like cinnamon and cardamom.


The chocolate is soft and smooth. It dissolves quickly into a very fine liquid.


The chocolate initially tastes of a very light sweetness, cinnamon, grass and some milky notes. The flavour quickly becomes richer. It unfolds into a warm, lightly spicy flavour that combines hints of cinnamon, cardamom, and a hint of little bitterness from dried flowers and some spice that almost tickles at the rear of the mouth.


The aftertaste is dominated by a milky sweetness with hints of the complex spiciness.


This is a warming, complex milk chocolate with notes of cinnamon and cardamom.


This milk chocolate is very well made. It is soft, smooth and dissolves nicely in the mouth. It has nicely warming spicy flavour. I have no clue whether the oil introduces the warming flavours but it is an extraordinary chocolate. 5 Stars.


Best before 12/2016, tasted 01&18/10/2016

Sunday 24 April 2016

Wohlfarth - Salzstäbchen

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Salzstäbchen (Salt sticks - dark chocolate with salt)
Ingredients are cocoa mass, raw sugar, cocoa butter, rock salt from Austria.
Cocoa content: minimum 70% cocoano vanilla


Wohlfarth Schokolade, Choriner Straße 37, 10435 Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin, Germany


The 75g worth of chocolate sticks are wrapped in non-stick paper and in a small cardboard box.


The chocolate is dark brown but with a little hint of red.


The chocolate sticks are very thing and break with a clear snap sound.


The smell is very light. The main aroma is cocoa and sugar.


The thin chocolate sticks feels soft, melt very quickly and slowly covers the tongue.


The chocolate initially tastes of sugar for a very brief period of time. Then an intense dark cocoa flavour with some earthy/barky notes is released. The salty flavour increases gradually and fades out into a dark cocoa flavour with some mildly bitter notes. The salt is not spread out evenly such that some sparks of saltiness are released every now and then at different locations in the mouth.


The aftertaste is dominated by the dark cocoa flavours which are perceived centrally on the tongue.


These chocolate sticks are made from an intense rich cocoa. The rock salt comes in a very sensibly measured amount. It emphasises the sweetness and its uneven spread across the product adds a little unexpected, yet pleasant sensation.


The salty chocolate sticks are a pleasing combination of sweetness and intense dark chocolate with a tiny pinch of salt that adds a pleasing contrast and a bit of playfulness to the experience. 5 Stars.


Best before 12/2016, tasted 21&23/04/2016