Showing posts with label Milk chocolate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Milk chocolate. Show all posts

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Artisan du Chocolat - Date Milk

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Date Milk
Main ingredients are dried date (date, maize starch, emulsifier: sunflower lecithin), cocoa butter, dried whole milk, cocoa beans, emulsifier: soya lecithin.
Cocoa content: minimum 44% cocoa, 21% milk, no vanilla


Artisan du Chocolat, 89 Lower Sloane Street, London, SW1 8DA, United Kingdom


The 45g chocolate bar is sealed in transparent plastic wrap and packed in card board.


The chocolate is light brown with white shimmer at its edges.


The chocolate initially feels softly as if won't break at all. But it does so with a snappy sound.


The smell is sugary and milky. There are light notes of cocoa.


The chocolate feels soft in the mouth. It has a somewhat sticky surface when melting. It melts into a fine liquid.


The chocolate has a very creamy flavour with some darker notes of fermented milk. As chocolate melts, it develops the flavour of caramelised fruit sugar with a tiny hint of bitterness. This makes the cream really heavy and dominating a slowly emerging flowery fruitnote and hints of cocoa.


The aftertaste is mainly an intense creaminess with some dark fruity and caramel notes.


This is a really creamy milk chocolate with caramel, fruit and some flowery notes.


This milk chocolate has very rich cream flavours and it also develops complex flavours of caramel, fruit and hints of flower. It melts nicely without getting too sticky. 5 Stars.


Lot number: 27469, best before 08/2018, tasted 22&28/04&05&06/05/2018

Thursday 8 June 2017

Zotter - Monster chocolate

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Nobelbitterschokolade gefüllt mit Kornelkirschengelee (22%) und Himbeer-Blut-Ganache (30%) (Noble Bitter Chocolate filled with cornelian jelly (22%) and raspberry blood ganache (30%))
Main ingredients are raw cane sugar, cocoa mass, cocoa butter, cornelian puree, glucose invert sugar, while milk, almonds, dried raspberries, pork blood*, butter, skimmed milk powder.
Cocoa content: minimum 70% cocoa in the chocolate.
*not a typo


zotter Schokoladen Manufaktur GmbH, Bergl 56, A-8333 Riegersburg, Austria


The 70g filled chocolate bar is wrapped in aluminium paper and a paper envelope.


The chocolate is middle to dark brown. The filling in the central layer is dark red and shiny. The other layers are slightly lighter coloured than the coating and have an airy/moussy structure.


The chocolate breaks with soft snap sound.


The chocolate bar has a surprisingly dark smell of wet wood, leather and cocoa. Fruity notes only peak out occasionally.


The chocolate melts quickly and evenly into a fine liquid. The jelly is very thick and reminds of a jelly bean. The ganache is even, soft and melts quickly into a very fine liquid.


Tasting the chocolate on its own is difficult because the boundary between the chocolate and the top layer of the filling tastes rather unusual, especially towards the edges of the bar. The flavour reminds of an old wardrobe with flavours of wet, moldy wood and leather. This unusual problem unfolds shortly after an initial chocolate flavour. It fights against vanilla and sugar until it finally takes over. An almost stingy aftertaste develops from this. Other parts of the chocolate have a sweet flavour with notes of cocoa, nuts and coffee. The cornelian cherry jelly is initially sour but fruity flavours develop over time. The raspberry ganache starts with a mildly sour flavour. It quickly releases cocoa flavours and sugar. After a short period, a raspberry punch develops but it also has a difficult to describe flavour of metal and spicy nutmeg. Tasted as whole, this chocolate bar starts with a sweet note that is quickly overthrown by the wet, moldy wood, leather and the fruit's sourness. It tastes like an old wardrobe with fruity and sour notes coated with dark chocolate.


The aftertaste of the chocolate (everything else neatly removed with a knife) is sweetness and cocoa with some coffee notes. The aftertaste of the cornelian cherry jelly is slightly sour and fruity. The raspberry ganache leaves a raspberry flavour with some sort of a metallic and spicy note. Tasting the whole product leaves an aftertaste of wet wood, fruity sourness and difficult to define spice and nutmeg.


The chocolate bar's name might sound funny but it is for real and it contains actual blood. The raspberry filling has nice fruity notes but it is offset by the moldy wood, leather and metal flavours.


The chocolate melts finely but the filling is on the verge of a jelly bean. The flavour of mold, wet wood and metal of parts of the filling is not pleasing. You have to be prepared for this and you have to like it. Scraping off everything and just eating the bottom layer of the chocolate is the best part. It comes with nice cocoa and coffee notes. However, eating the chocolate bar as a whole is a difficult to describe and surprisingly unpleasant experience. 1 Star.


Best before 23/06/2017, tasted 28/05&04/06/2017

Tuesday 6 June 2017

Dr. Oetker - Ristorante Pizza Dolce al Cioccolato

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Ristorante Pizza Dolce al Cioccolato (Sweet Pizza richly topped with chocolate flavoured sauce and three types of chocolate, quick-frozen)
Main ingredients are wheat flour, 27% chocolate flavoured sauce, water, 9.6% milk chocolate, 6.4% chocolate, 6.4% white chocolate, rapseed oil, fat-reduced cocoa, sugar, yeast, salt.
Cocoa content: not stated


Dr. August Oetker Nahrungsmittel KG, Lutterstraße 14, 33617 Bielefeld, Germany


The 300g chocolate pizza is sealed in transparent plastic foil and packed in cardboard.


The pizza has been baked in a preheated oven at 180°C (fan assisted) for 10½ min.


The chocolate sauce is dark brown, almost black-ish with lighter brown spots. The sauce looks more liquid than it actually is. The white chocolate is yellowish with caramelised, browned areas. The dough is middle brown like a chocolate biscuit.


The pizza dough is mildly crispy. The chocolate sauce is liquid (no sound) but the caramelised white chocolate has a little crunch to it.


The pizza has only a few chocolate or cocoa aromas. It mainly smells of baked dough, vanilla, milk and warm, chocolate flavoured blancmange.


The chocolate pizza is baked for a shorter duration than normal pizza. Thus, the dough remains soft and still contains a lot of water. It can become a bit chewy when eating. The chocolate sauce has a consistency of warm blancmange or thick drinking chocolate. As with blancmange that is chilling and setting, the sauce can develop a skin. The caramelised white chocolate is a little crispy.


The pizza tastes sweet with a surprisingly strong dough flavour. Although the dough is coloured like chocolate it has only little flavour beyond yeast dough. There are hints of salt in the product that pop out occasionally. The flavour of the chocolate sauce reminds on thickened hot drinking chocolate or chocolate flavoured blancmange. There is also a slight flavour of flour from the starch. There are only a few hints of cocoa and chocolate flavours. The white chocolate tastes intensely of dulce de leche and caramel.


The aftertaste is is dominated by the dough flavours and sweetness.


This is a really interesting product. It tastes similar to a biscuit with warm chocolate flavoured blancmange. The white chocolate adds some crispness and dulce de leche flavours. However, the dough can be soggy.


The dough is a major component but is difficult to get this crispy without burning the chocolate. Thus, it is not as crispy as pizza or biscuits. The chocolate sauce is similar to chocolate flavoured blancmange rather than to a rich chocolate dessert. Sadly, this also includes a starchy/floury feel and the lack of real cocoa or chocolate flavours. The frozen pizza looks way more pleasing to the eye than the baked result. Finally, the caramelised white chocolate is the best part of the product. It really offers some added value in flavours, mouth feel and warmth compared to drizzling warm chocolate sauce over chocolate biscuits. 1 Star.


Manufactured 10/05/2017, lot number: 14 21:161, best before 05/2018, tasted 02/06/2017

Tuesday 30 May 2017

Zotter - Ananas mit Cashewnüssen (Cashew nougat and pineapple)

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Ananas mit Cashewnüssen (Dunkle Bergmilchschokolade gefüllt mit Cashewnougat (24%) und Ananas) - Mountain milk chocolate with cashew nougat (24%) and pineapple filling
Main ingredients are raw cane sugar, dried pineapple (15%), cocoa butter, cashew kernels (12%), cocoa mass, pineapple concentrate (8%), whole milk powder, glucose invert sugar.
Cocoa content: minimum 50% cocoa in the chocolate.


zotter Schokoladen Manufaktur GmbH, Bergl 56, A-8333 Riegersburg, Austria


The 70g chocolate bar is wrapped in aluminium foil and a paper envelope.


The chocolate is dark to middle brown. The pineapple layer is the top layer of the filling and it is dark yellow. The cashew paste below is very light brown.


The chocolate breaks with clear snap sound (after removing the filling).


The whole bar initially smells of old, dry bread before aromas of sugar and dried pineapple take over. The chocolate itself smells of sweetness and cocoa. The pineapple layer also smells sweet and intensely of dried pineapple. The smell of the cashew filling initially reminds of dry bread before cashew aromas become more identifiable.


The chocolate melts quickly and evenly into a fine liquid. The filling takes longer to smoothen. It feels somewhat grainy with pieces from shred dried pineapple and cashew nuts. The filling is not sticky but it is a bit chewy.


The chocolate on its own has a sweet flavour with notes of cocoa and nuts and some hints of coffee. The pineapple layer combines the sour flavours of the dried pineapple with sweetness. The cashew layer has cashew flavours and flavours of dried bread as well as hints of salt. Eaten as a whole, the initial flavour is dominated by sweetness. Later, the pineapple and in particular its lime-like sourness and sweetness unfold. There are only notes of chocolate when it hits the tongue and gums. The cashew flavour is reduced to rare hints.


The aftertaste of the chocolate is mainly sweetness and some reminiscence of the nutty cocoa flavour. The aftertaste of the whole product is dominated by the pineapple filling's sweetness and sourness with only little to no presence of the cocoa or the cashews.


This chocolate bar is a dried pineapple filling with dark-ish whole milk chocolate coating. There are only tiny hints of the cashew and cocoa flavours. However, after opening the package, the cashew aromas dominate for a while.


The chocolate bar uses a nice and well-conched dark whole milk chocolate. However, the flavours are dominated by an intensely sweetened layer of dried pineapple. The smell is initially dominated by a dry bread aroma from the cashew filling. The cashews and the chocolate do not contribute much to the flavour of the product. The chocolate melts nicely but the filling becomes chewy and has some smaller pieces in it that are too small for being 'chunky' and to big for being smooth. 2 Stars.


Best before 12/06/2007, tasted 24&25/05/2017

Tuesday 9 May 2017

Camille Bloch - Mousse Chocolat

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Swiss milk chocolate with chocolate mousse filling
Main ingredients are sugar, whole milk powder, cocoa butter, cocoa powder (12%), vegetable fat (palm, sunflower, cocos, palmisti, illipe), cocoa mass, skimmed milk powder, hazelnuts, soya lecithin, vanilla extract.
Cocoa content: minimum 12% cocoa


Chocolats Camille Bloch SA, CH-2608 Courtelary, Switzerland


The 100g chocolate bar is sealed in aluminum foil and wrapped in a cardboard box.


The chocolate is light to middle brown. Its edges appear lighter. The filling is coloured in a slightly darker middle brown than the chocolate.


The chocolate breaks with a 'thud' sound.


The chocolate has a very light milky smell.


On its own, the chocolate melts quickly and becomes sticky during the process. But it eventually melts into a very fine liquid. The filling has a surprisingly solid initial mouthfeel and becomes more sticky and softer over time. Combined with chocolate, the filling seems much softer after biting through the chocolate. However, the stickiness of each part is strongly emphasised.


The chocolate has an initially milky and sugary taste that quickly evolves into caramelised sugar and milky caramel. The initial taste of the filling is comparably blunt but it quickly releases sugar, caramel and increasingly intense hazelnut flavours. Eating both combined (as intended) reduces the flavour to an initial milky sweetness. The filling melts and disappears faster than the chocolate coating. It only leaves a hint of hazelnuts whereas the milky caramel of the chocolate remains prominent.


The aftertaste of the chocolate is mainly a lingering sweetness with notes of caramel. The filling leaves roasted hazelnut flavours. Eating both components combined, the main aftertaste is milky sweetness with caramel.


This is a sweet, milky chocolate with a hazelnut filling. Its main flavours are milk and sugar. There are traces of hazelnuts.


The chocolate has a strong sweetness but it provides some caramel and milk flavours. However, its consistency is sticky. The stickiness is even more pronounced with the cream filling. Despite its name, the product has some hazelnut flavours. However, the main characteristics are sweetness and a very sticky mouthfeel. 1 Star.


Lot number: L6180, best before 05/2017, tasted 02/04&07/05/2017

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Feodora - Sahne-Mocca-Chocolade (Superior ceamy mocca chocolate)

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Sahne-Mocca-Chocolade (Superior ceamy mocca chocolate)
Main ingredients are sugar, cream powder (26%), cocoa beans, cocoa butter, coffee (2.2%) and emulsifier rape lecithins.
Cocoa content: minimum 32% cocoano vanilla


Feodora Chocolade GmbH & Co. KG, 28199 Bremen, Germany


The 100g chocolate bar is sealed in aluminium foil and a paper wrap.


The chocolate is light  to middle brown.


The chocolate breaks with a thuddy sound and the breaks have an uneven surface shimmering in very light brown.


The chocolate smells of cream and hints of sweetened roasted coffee.


The chocolate melts evenly into a fine liquid. However, it can be become a sticky liquid when melting all the way.


The chocolate has flavours of coffee, cream and sweetness.


The aftertaste is mainly of sweetness, cream and some coffee flavours.


This is a creamy chocolate with coffee flavours. The sweetness is present but not excessive.


The chocolate has some cream and mocca/coffee flavours with a strong but not excessive sweetness. It initially melts finely but may become sticky. There are no or very little cocoa flavours. 2 Stars.


Lot number: 367412, best before 15/03/2017, tasted 05&12/03/2017

Tuesday 14 February 2017

Newtree - Lavande

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Newtree - Lavende (Organic milk chocolate with natural lavender flavour and Fairtrade ingredients)
Main ingredients are cane sugar, cocoa butter, skimmed milk powder, cocoa mass, natural lavender flavouring, soya lecithin, natural vanilla flavouring.
Cocoa content: minimum 40% cocoa


NEWTREE S.A., Boulevard du Souverain/Vorstlaan 207/3. 1160 Bruxelles/Brussel, Belgium


The 80g chocolate bar is sealed in shiny plastic wrap and put in a cardboard envelope.


The chocolate is light brown with light hints of red. The edges tend to have a white shimmer.


The chocolate breaks with a snap sound.


The smells has intense lavender and sugar aromas.


The surface of the chocolate feels textured when melting. It passes through a short stage of stickiness before melting into a very fine and smooth liquid.


The chocolate unfolds a lavender flavour as it starts to melt. This combines with a mild sweetness, milky flavours and hints of cocoa.


The lavender flavours disappear quickly but the sweetness and milk flavours remain present.


This is a flavoured milk chocolate with lavender flavours a mild sweetness.


The chocolate melts into a fine liquid but has a textured surface. The lavender flavour is very noticeable and not pungent or artificial. However, there are only little notes of cocoa that are overwhelmed by sweetness. 2 Stars.


Lot number: L30ABF2, best before 01/02/2017, tasted 22&23/01&11/02/2017

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Wohlfahrt - 2081

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Wohlfahrt - 2081 (dark whole milk chocolate)
Main ingredients are cacao mass, raw cane sugar, cacao butter and whole milk powder.
Cocoa content: minimum 81% cocoa solidsno vanilla


Wohlfarth Schokolade, Choriner Straße 37, 10435 Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin, Germany


The 45g chocolate bar is wrapped and sealed in transparent plastic wrap.


The chocolate is very shiny, dark brown with hints of red.


The chocolate breaks with a clear snap sound.


The smells of cacao and milk with clearly distinguishable sugar note.


The chocolate has a smooth surface but when melting it feels as if there was a fine texture on its surface. It melts quickly into a very fine liquid.


The initial flavour is a very mild sweetness. After starting to melt, the chocolate unfolds a more darker cacao flavour with a distinct bitterness of roasted coffee. The rich, bitter cacao notes are nicely supported by a mild, almost sublime sweetness and hints of milk that pop up every now and then.


The aftertaste is mainly a mild bitterness of cacao, roast and coffee flavours.


This chocolate tastes more like a dark chocolate than a milk chocolate. Its bitterness has some coffee notes and it has a mild bitterness that combines nicely with the sweetness.


This chocolate has an interesting and rich complexity providing changes as it melts. 5 Stars.


Best before 12/2016, tasted 05&26/11/2016

Thursday 20 October 2016

Wohlfahrt - Milk chocolate with lemongrass-olive oil

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Lemongrass - Milchschokolade mit Lemongrass-Olivenöl (Milk chocolate with lemongrass-olive oil)
Main ingredients are raw cane sugar, cocoa butter, whole milk powder, cocoa mass, lemongrass-olive oil.
Cocoa content: minimum 41% cocoano vanilla


Wohlfarth Schokolade, Choriner Straße 37, 10435 Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin, Germany


The 45g chocolate bar is wrapped in white sandwich paper.


The chocolate is middle brown with some red. The surface is a bit rough with very thin lines and slightly shiny from oil.


The chocolate breaks with clear sound but it is thuddy.


The aroma is mainly milk and something that reminds of light oriental spices like cinnamon and cardamom.


The chocolate is soft and smooth. It dissolves quickly into a very fine liquid.


The chocolate initially tastes of a very light sweetness, cinnamon, grass and some milky notes. The flavour quickly becomes richer. It unfolds into a warm, lightly spicy flavour that combines hints of cinnamon, cardamom, and a hint of little bitterness from dried flowers and some spice that almost tickles at the rear of the mouth.


The aftertaste is dominated by a milky sweetness with hints of the complex spiciness.


This is a warming, complex milk chocolate with notes of cinnamon and cardamom.


This milk chocolate is very well made. It is soft, smooth and dissolves nicely in the mouth. It has nicely warming spicy flavour. I have no clue whether the oil introduces the warming flavours but it is an extraordinary chocolate. 5 Stars.


Best before 12/2016, tasted 01&18/10/2016

Thursday 29 September 2016

Konditorei-Cafè Fritz Roog - Whole milk chocolate

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Whole milk chocolate (Vollmilchschokolade)
Main ingredients are cocoa mass, cocoa butter, sugar, whole milk powder, vanilla, soy lecithin.
Cocoa content: minimum 38% cocoa


Konditorei-Cafè Fritz Roog, Mittelstraße 89, 32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg, GERMANY
It's a bakery with a café and small chocolate outlet.
(The typo in "Café" is not mine but is everywhere on the packaging.)


The chocolate is wrapped in single aluminium foil and covered with a printed paper sleeve. The packaging says 100g but it actually was slightly above that mark.


The chocolate is light middle brown with a shiny surface. There are some open bubbles of air on surface.


The chocolate breaks with a thud sound.


The chocolate smells of milk and sugar with hints of cocoa and caramel.


The chocolate melts slowly in the mouth. It initially melts into a sticky paste before dissolving into a fine and very smooth liquid.


The initial flavour is a light sweetness with caramelly note. The chocolate quickly releases a more intense sweetness and milky flavours. There are notes of caramel, tiny hints of cocoa and traces of some cold metallic flavour.


The aftertaste is mainly sweet with some milky flavours that persist towards the rear of the mouth.


This is a light and sweet milk chocolate. The hazelnut flavours are almost entirely covered by the sweet milkiness of the chocolate. The chocolate is very soft and smooth but becomes slightly sticky when it melts in the mouth.


The chocolate is very sweet and there are almost no reminders of the cocoa flavour. The chocolate is very smooth but goes through a period of stickiness before melting properly. 2 Stars.


Best before 27/09/2016, tasted 01&27&28/09/2016

Thursday 1 September 2016

Konditorei-Cafè Fritz Roog - Whole milk chocolate with hazelnuts

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Whole milk chocolate with hazelenuts (Vollmilchschokolade Haselnuß)
Main ingredients are cocoa mass, cocoa butter, sugar, hazelnuts, whole milk powder, vanilla, soy lecithin.
Cocoa content: minimum 38% cocoa


Konditorei-Cafè Fritz Roog, Mittelstraße 89, 32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg, GERMANY
It's a bakery with a café and small chocolate outlet.
(The typo in "Café" is not mine but as presented on the packaging.)


The chocolate is wrapped in single aluminium foil and covered with a printed paper sleeve. The packaging says 100g but it actually was around 130g of chocolate.


The chocolate is light middle brown with a shiny surface.


The chocolate breaks with a thud sound.


The chocolate smells of milk, sugar and some notes of roasted hazelnut with light hints of cocoa.


The chocolate melts slowly in the mouth. It melts into a sticky paste before dissolving into a fine and very smooth liquid.


The initial flavour is a light sweetness. The chocolate quickly releases fresh milk flavours with a more intense sweetness and a mild notes of cocoa flavour. The typical roasted hazelnuts flavours are covered by the sweetness and leave a very light roast and hazelnut flavour.


The milky aftertaste is mainly present at the rear of the mouth and sugary sweetness more central to the mouth.


This is a light and sweet milk chocolate with whole hazelnuts. The hazelnut flavours are almost entirely covered by the sweet milkiness of the chocolate. The chocolate is very soft and smooth.


The sweetness of the chocolate almost entirely covers the roast and hazelnut aromas. The chocolate is very smooth but goes through a period of stickiness before melting nicely. 3 Stars.


Best before 27/09/2016, tasted 11&16/08/2016

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Artisan du Chocolat - Goat milk chocolate

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Goat milk chocolate
Ingredients are cane sugar, full cream goat milk powder, cocoa butter, cocoa beans, soya lecithin.
Cocoa content: minimum 40% cocoano vanilla


Artisan du Chocolat, 89 Lower Sloane Street, London, SW1 8DA, United Kingdom


The 45g chocolate is wrapped and sealed in transparant wrap and a printed card board envelope.


The chocolate is middle brown with a light orange and grey shade as opposed to  red hint.


The chocolate breaks with a clear snap sound.


The bar smells of milk and a hint cocoa. There is no strong goat-like smell as in goat's cheese but a sweet-ish, grass-like hint.


The chocolate feels initially smoother than expected and melts slowly into a thick liquid. It remains slightly chewy without dissolving into a liquid.


The first flavour is surprising note of goat's cheese. This quickly pairs up with sweetness, milky flavours and light hint of cocoa.


The aftertaste is mainly milk with a mild sweetness and some notes of goat's cheese.


The chocolate's smell does not prepare for the surprising goat's cheese flavour. The smooth milk chocolate balances a mild sweetness and cocoa with the goat milk flavour.


This is a well-made, smooth milk chocolate. It frames the goat's milk surprisingly well with cocoa and sugar. But the chocolate melts very slowly and remains a thick-ish liquid. 4 Stars.


Lot number: 21934, best before 11/2016, tasted 09&12/06/2016

Sunday 22 May 2016

Hotel Chocolat - Lemongrass caramel

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Lemongrass Caramel - Runny caramel with lemongrass encased in a milk chocolate shell, decorated with naturally coloured white chocolate.
Main ingredients are runny caramel, cocoa solids, sugar, full cream milk powder, butter oil, soya lecithin, skimmed milk powder, carotene, flavour (lemongrass), concentrate of spirulina.
Cocoa content: minimum 40% cocoa solids in the milk chocolate


Hotel Chocolate Ltd, Mint House, ROYSTON, Hertfordshire, SG8 5HL, United Kingdom


55g The chocolate is wrapped and sealed in shiny plastic wrap.


The chocolate is light brown with yellow-green cap


The chocolate breaks with a snap sound


The packaging immediately smells a bit of citric lemongrass and cocoa. The chocolate smells of sugar, milk and cocoa.


The chocolate is very smooth. It melts into a thick creamy liquid before melting properly. The filling is liquid 'runny' caramel syrup which is very soft and disperses quickly in the mouth.


The chocolate is tastes of milk, sugar and hints of cocoa. On its inside, is taken on the acidic, lemony flavour the lemongrass caramel. The filling itself starts with a lemon flavour. But the sugar comes through quickly and covers lemongrass flavours.


The aftertaste is mainly of sugar at the rear of the mouth, some cocoa and milk notes.


This is a sweet milk chocolate filled with runny caramel. It has only some hints of lemongrass.


The milk chocolate is very smooth. The caramel does not strongly emphasise the typical caramel flavours but tastes of sugary sweet. The desired hint of lemongrass is just a small and short-lived lemony note before it is quickly covered with sweetness. 3 Stars.


Lot number: 16027, best before 08/2016, tasted 29/04&01&21/05/2016

Monday 2 May 2016

Sarotti - Milk chocolate (Edelvollmilch)

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Milk chocolate (Edelvollmilchschokolade)
Ingredients are sugar, cocoa butter, cocoa mass, whole milk powder, soya lecithin and flavouring.
Cocoa content: minimum 45% cocoa


SAROTTI GmbH, Motzener Str. 32, 12277 Marienfelde, Berlin, Germany


Individual bars of 25g chocolate are wrapped in aluminium paper. Four bars are combined into a card board enveloped of 100g.


The chocolate is middle brown with some warmer red tones.


The chocolate breaks with a very clear snap sound.


It smells of sugar, milk, cocoa and some hints from artificial aroma.


The chocolate is smooth and melts into thick-ish, creamy liquid before dissolving completely.


The chocolate tastes of milky caramel with hints of cocoa. Fine notes of its bitterness are balanced with the cream and sugar and emphasise a mild cocoa impression.


The aftertaste is mainly of cream and caramelised sugar but there are also some cocoa notes.


This is a creamy milk chocolate with caramelised sugar and cocoa flavours. The sweetness and bitterness of the cocoa are well balanced.


The Sarotti milk chocolate is well made, comes with a milky and creamy mouthfeel and has some cocoa notes. The product is sweet (as you would expect with a milk chocolate). But this sweetness is balanced such that whole thing has a creamy, chocolatey feel and taste. 4 Stars.
This product is from the supermarket shelf and has an outstanding value for money.


Lot number: 152822, best before 09/10/2016, tasted 29/04&01/05/2016