Showing posts with label Filled chocolate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Filled chocolate. Show all posts

Thursday 8 June 2017

Zotter - Monster chocolate

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Nobelbitterschokolade gefüllt mit Kornelkirschengelee (22%) und Himbeer-Blut-Ganache (30%) (Noble Bitter Chocolate filled with cornelian jelly (22%) and raspberry blood ganache (30%))
Main ingredients are raw cane sugar, cocoa mass, cocoa butter, cornelian puree, glucose invert sugar, while milk, almonds, dried raspberries, pork blood*, butter, skimmed milk powder.
Cocoa content: minimum 70% cocoa in the chocolate.
*not a typo


zotter Schokoladen Manufaktur GmbH, Bergl 56, A-8333 Riegersburg, Austria


The 70g filled chocolate bar is wrapped in aluminium paper and a paper envelope.


The chocolate is middle to dark brown. The filling in the central layer is dark red and shiny. The other layers are slightly lighter coloured than the coating and have an airy/moussy structure.


The chocolate breaks with soft snap sound.


The chocolate bar has a surprisingly dark smell of wet wood, leather and cocoa. Fruity notes only peak out occasionally.


The chocolate melts quickly and evenly into a fine liquid. The jelly is very thick and reminds of a jelly bean. The ganache is even, soft and melts quickly into a very fine liquid.


Tasting the chocolate on its own is difficult because the boundary between the chocolate and the top layer of the filling tastes rather unusual, especially towards the edges of the bar. The flavour reminds of an old wardrobe with flavours of wet, moldy wood and leather. This unusual problem unfolds shortly after an initial chocolate flavour. It fights against vanilla and sugar until it finally takes over. An almost stingy aftertaste develops from this. Other parts of the chocolate have a sweet flavour with notes of cocoa, nuts and coffee. The cornelian cherry jelly is initially sour but fruity flavours develop over time. The raspberry ganache starts with a mildly sour flavour. It quickly releases cocoa flavours and sugar. After a short period, a raspberry punch develops but it also has a difficult to describe flavour of metal and spicy nutmeg. Tasted as whole, this chocolate bar starts with a sweet note that is quickly overthrown by the wet, moldy wood, leather and the fruit's sourness. It tastes like an old wardrobe with fruity and sour notes coated with dark chocolate.


The aftertaste of the chocolate (everything else neatly removed with a knife) is sweetness and cocoa with some coffee notes. The aftertaste of the cornelian cherry jelly is slightly sour and fruity. The raspberry ganache leaves a raspberry flavour with some sort of a metallic and spicy note. Tasting the whole product leaves an aftertaste of wet wood, fruity sourness and difficult to define spice and nutmeg.


The chocolate bar's name might sound funny but it is for real and it contains actual blood. The raspberry filling has nice fruity notes but it is offset by the moldy wood, leather and metal flavours.


The chocolate melts finely but the filling is on the verge of a jelly bean. The flavour of mold, wet wood and metal of parts of the filling is not pleasing. You have to be prepared for this and you have to like it. Scraping off everything and just eating the bottom layer of the chocolate is the best part. It comes with nice cocoa and coffee notes. However, eating the chocolate bar as a whole is a difficult to describe and surprisingly unpleasant experience. 1 Star.


Best before 23/06/2017, tasted 28/05&04/06/2017

Tuesday 30 May 2017

Zotter - Ananas mit Cashewnüssen (Cashew nougat and pineapple)

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Ananas mit Cashewnüssen (Dunkle Bergmilchschokolade gefüllt mit Cashewnougat (24%) und Ananas) - Mountain milk chocolate with cashew nougat (24%) and pineapple filling
Main ingredients are raw cane sugar, dried pineapple (15%), cocoa butter, cashew kernels (12%), cocoa mass, pineapple concentrate (8%), whole milk powder, glucose invert sugar.
Cocoa content: minimum 50% cocoa in the chocolate.


zotter Schokoladen Manufaktur GmbH, Bergl 56, A-8333 Riegersburg, Austria


The 70g chocolate bar is wrapped in aluminium foil and a paper envelope.


The chocolate is dark to middle brown. The pineapple layer is the top layer of the filling and it is dark yellow. The cashew paste below is very light brown.


The chocolate breaks with clear snap sound (after removing the filling).


The whole bar initially smells of old, dry bread before aromas of sugar and dried pineapple take over. The chocolate itself smells of sweetness and cocoa. The pineapple layer also smells sweet and intensely of dried pineapple. The smell of the cashew filling initially reminds of dry bread before cashew aromas become more identifiable.


The chocolate melts quickly and evenly into a fine liquid. The filling takes longer to smoothen. It feels somewhat grainy with pieces from shred dried pineapple and cashew nuts. The filling is not sticky but it is a bit chewy.


The chocolate on its own has a sweet flavour with notes of cocoa and nuts and some hints of coffee. The pineapple layer combines the sour flavours of the dried pineapple with sweetness. The cashew layer has cashew flavours and flavours of dried bread as well as hints of salt. Eaten as a whole, the initial flavour is dominated by sweetness. Later, the pineapple and in particular its lime-like sourness and sweetness unfold. There are only notes of chocolate when it hits the tongue and gums. The cashew flavour is reduced to rare hints.


The aftertaste of the chocolate is mainly sweetness and some reminiscence of the nutty cocoa flavour. The aftertaste of the whole product is dominated by the pineapple filling's sweetness and sourness with only little to no presence of the cocoa or the cashews.


This chocolate bar is a dried pineapple filling with dark-ish whole milk chocolate coating. There are only tiny hints of the cashew and cocoa flavours. However, after opening the package, the cashew aromas dominate for a while.


The chocolate bar uses a nice and well-conched dark whole milk chocolate. However, the flavours are dominated by an intensely sweetened layer of dried pineapple. The smell is initially dominated by a dry bread aroma from the cashew filling. The cashews and the chocolate do not contribute much to the flavour of the product. The chocolate melts nicely but the filling becomes chewy and has some smaller pieces in it that are too small for being 'chunky' and to big for being smooth. 2 Stars.


Best before 12/06/2007, tasted 24&25/05/2017

Tuesday 9 May 2017

Camille Bloch - Mousse Chocolat

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Swiss milk chocolate with chocolate mousse filling
Main ingredients are sugar, whole milk powder, cocoa butter, cocoa powder (12%), vegetable fat (palm, sunflower, cocos, palmisti, illipe), cocoa mass, skimmed milk powder, hazelnuts, soya lecithin, vanilla extract.
Cocoa content: minimum 12% cocoa


Chocolats Camille Bloch SA, CH-2608 Courtelary, Switzerland


The 100g chocolate bar is sealed in aluminum foil and wrapped in a cardboard box.


The chocolate is light to middle brown. Its edges appear lighter. The filling is coloured in a slightly darker middle brown than the chocolate.


The chocolate breaks with a 'thud' sound.


The chocolate has a very light milky smell.


On its own, the chocolate melts quickly and becomes sticky during the process. But it eventually melts into a very fine liquid. The filling has a surprisingly solid initial mouthfeel and becomes more sticky and softer over time. Combined with chocolate, the filling seems much softer after biting through the chocolate. However, the stickiness of each part is strongly emphasised.


The chocolate has an initially milky and sugary taste that quickly evolves into caramelised sugar and milky caramel. The initial taste of the filling is comparably blunt but it quickly releases sugar, caramel and increasingly intense hazelnut flavours. Eating both combined (as intended) reduces the flavour to an initial milky sweetness. The filling melts and disappears faster than the chocolate coating. It only leaves a hint of hazelnuts whereas the milky caramel of the chocolate remains prominent.


The aftertaste of the chocolate is mainly a lingering sweetness with notes of caramel. The filling leaves roasted hazelnut flavours. Eating both components combined, the main aftertaste is milky sweetness with caramel.


This is a sweet, milky chocolate with a hazelnut filling. Its main flavours are milk and sugar. There are traces of hazelnuts.


The chocolate has a strong sweetness but it provides some caramel and milk flavours. However, its consistency is sticky. The stickiness is even more pronounced with the cream filling. Despite its name, the product has some hazelnut flavours. However, the main characteristics are sweetness and a very sticky mouthfeel. 1 Star.


Lot number: L6180, best before 05/2017, tasted 02/04&07/05/2017

Saturday 2 April 2016

Coppeneur - Blueberry Crumble Pie

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


"à la Blueberry Crumble Pie in weisser Chocolade" (white chocolate with blueberry crumbles)
Main ingredients are sugar, almonds, cocoa butter, whole milk powder, dried and sweetened blueberries (5% of total, with 34% concentrated apple juice in them), cane sugar, spiced crumbles (3%)
Cocoa content: no statement


Confiserie Coppeneur et Compagnon GmbH, 53604 Bad Honnef, Germany


The 75g of chocolate is wrapped and sealed in aluminium paper and covered by a printed paper sleeve.


The chocolate is yellow-ish white. The colour of the filling is a mixture of grey and purple with dark purple/black-ish chunks of blueberries.


The chocolate and its filling break with thud sound at room temperature. After separating chocolate, there is almost no sound.


The filled chocolate smells of cream, blueberry and something artificial. The white chocolate in isolation has butter and milk aromas. The filling smells of blueberries and apples.


The chocolate coating is smooth, buttery and melts into a sticky-ish cream. The filling is of relatively solid consistency similar to refrigerated butter. It has a lot of small crispy bits (like undissolved cane sugar) and small poky pieces of fruit and crumble. The fruit turned into chewy bits that reminded me of chewing gum.


Chocolate is sweet with a little hint of vanilla flavour. The dough adds a fatty, buttery flavour
with cinnamon and sugar flavours and notes of apple.


Once the butter and cream flavours have disappeared, the chocolate leaves an aftertaste of cinnamon and sugar at the sides and the rear of the tongue.


This filled white chocolate is buttery and chewy. It tastes of sugar. cinnamon and apples.


The chocolate does not live up to its promise to taste of blueberries and crumbles. It tastes of sugar, cinnamon and apples. The colour of the filling has an unpleasant grey-ish shade to it. Despite its initial buttery consistency, the product is very chewy. The blueberry pieces turn into something like chewing gum. 1 Star.
Not contributing to the rating but worthwhile to mention, the manufacturer managed to use three languages in the name of this product.


Lot number: 27581, best before 05/06/2016, tasted 01/04/2016

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Christine Berger GmbH - Sanddorn in Vollmilchschokolade (sea-buckthorn in whole milk chocolate)

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Sanddorn in Vollmilchschokolade (sea-buckthorn in whole milk chocolate)
Main ingredients are sugar, cocoa butter, whole milk powder, cream (8%), cocoa mass, sea-buckthorn liqueur (3%)
Cocoa content: minimum 38% cocoa in the whole milk choolate


Christine Berger GmbH & Co. KG, Fercher Straße 60, 14542 Werder OT Petzow, Germany


The chocolate is sold on a golden coated card board tray. This is sealed in plastic wrap and covered with a printed paper sleeve. The content is 75g.


The chocolate is light brown from the outside and some of the filling is visible at the edges. There is a second inner chocolate coating which is much darker. The filling is yellow-ish.


The chocolate layers are very thin and break almost without any sound.


The bar has aromas of vanilla cake, sea-buckthorn, sugary sweetness and alcohol. Separating the chocolate is hardly possible and it has taken on the aromas of its filling.


The chocolate melts very quickly. Though it feels like a rough surface initially, the liquid is very fine and spreads through the mouth. The filling initially feels slightly more sticky with a rough surface and it melts slower than the chocolate. However, it melts nicely and dissolves into a surprisingly fine and smooth liquid.


The thin layer adds a subtle chocolate taste that frames the experience as a whole. The filling has an intense sugary sweetness and sea-buckthorn flavour. It also has a tiny hint of alcohol.


The aftertaste sticks to the rear of the mouth and is mainly sea-buckthorn. In addition, a surprisingly intense sweetness lingers at the front of the mouth.


This is a sweet sea-buckthorn filling surrounded with a thin layer of chocolate. The packaging rightly emphasises the sea-buckthorn rather than the chocolate.


This sea-buckthorn chocolate is very sweet. It melts nicely, has good mouthfeel and tastes of sea-buckthorn and sugary sweetness. You have to be aware that there is alcohol in the product. 2 Stars.


Best before 20/05/2016, tasted 06/03/2016

Monday 25 January 2016

Zotter - Weihnachtsknistern (Christmas crackle)

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Weihnachtsknistern - Dunkle Bergmilchschokolade gefüllt mit Äpfel, Honig und Zimt (alkoholhaltig) [sic] - Christmas crackle, dark mountain milk chocolate filled with apple(s), honey and cinnamon (contains alcohol)
Main ingredients are unrefined cane sugar, dried apple (15%), cocoa butter, whole milk powder, cocoa mass, apple juice (9%)
Cocoa content: 50% in the chocolate


zotter Schokoladen Manufaktur GmbH, Bergl 56, A-8333 Riegersburg, Austria


The 70g chocolate bar is wrapped in aluminium foil and a paper sleeve.


The surface is maroon brown, shiny and smooth. There are no pre-shaped pieces moulded in the bar.


The chocolate bar is filled with two soft layers. After separating the chocolate coating, it is surprisingly hard and makes a clear snapping sound when broken.


It smells of sweet cinnamon and apple with some hints of nuts. Smelled on its own, the chocolate coating has taken on the smell of its filling with a slightly more earthy hint.


Eaten as a whole, the filled chocolate turns into a sticky dough. After chewing through this, apple pieces and finely chopped hazelnuts covered in dough remain. Tasting the layers separately, the chocolate coating quickly melts into a smooth liquid. The apple layer feels almost floury initially but turns into something jam-like with little pieces of apple. The dough (or caramel or cream?) layer feels like sticky dough with small lumps or crumbly peanut butter with a small amount of chopped peanuts.


I started with each layer on its own. The chocolate coating has a sweet cinnamon taste with a hint of apple probably from the apple filling. There is basically no cocoa flavour to it. The initial contact with the apple layer was like gingerbread. This was probably due to its crumbly surface and the cinnamon. This vanishes quickly and is replaced by a floury taste with hints of sour apple purée, sweetness and traces of cinnamon. The doughy layer tastes sweet with a hint of vanilla. It has also taken on some apple flavour from the other layer. The dough contains a small amount of tasteless chopped hazelnuts. This chocolate bar was probably never intended to be separated into single layers...  The whole thing starts with sweet flavours from the chocolate coating and quickly releases the apple and flour taste of its filling. The sticky mass releases some notes of cinnamon later on.


There is only little aftertaste. This is mainly a doughy sweetness and some artificial apple.


This filled chocolate bar mainly tastes of flour, some apple and a tiny pinch of cinnamon. It is sticky and chewy. If you expected popping candy or other sparkling, fizzy, crackling ingredients, you will be disappointed.


The chocolate bar was chewy and sticky. The packaging proudly stated "bean-to-bar" but this did not play out in the chocolate. Each layer on its own had little to offer. Their individual shortcomings were emphasised by combining them. The chocolate's name falsely suggested that there would be popping candy.


Best before 05 April 2016, tasted 23 January 2016