Tuesday 13 March 2018

Pâtisserie Chocolaterie Pralus - Tobago Estate Chocolate W.I., Roxborough

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Tobago Estate Chocolate W.I., Roxborough
Main ingredients are cocoa, sugar, pure cocoa butter, soy lecithin.
Cocoa content: minimum 70% cocoa


Pâtisserie Chocolaterie Pralus S.A.S., 34 Rue General Giraud, 42300 Roanne, France


The 100g chocolate bar is wrapped in aluminium foil and a paper sleeve.


The chocolate is very dark brown with a distinct red shimmer on all surfaces.


The chocolate breaks with a very clear snap sound.


There are a lot of cocoa aromas with notes of agave and cream, as well as hints of nuts.


The chocolate initially feels very hard and solid. It melts slowly into a very fine liquid. While melting the body remains solid with clear edges between solid and liquid chocolate.


The chocolate starts with brief sweet note and a lasting more astringent coffee flavour. Dark roasted nuts and intense dark cocoa flavours develop. Lighter, more acidic flavours evolve after some time and leave hint of some sour fruity notes. The sweetness is noticeable more as a sensation than a flavour and counters the sour notes.


The aftertaste is mainly cocoa flavour in the middle of the mouth, with some sourness at the sides and roasted nut flavours at the rear of the mouth


This is a dark chocolate with rich and intense flavours of dark roasted nuts, coffee as well as fruity and sour notes.


This is a very well made chocolate with very good melt. It preserves the flavours of its original cocoa and show-cases them. 5 Stars.


Best before 23/07/2018, tasted 14/01&18/02&10/03/2018

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