Sunday 13 March 2016

Wernli - Jura Waffel-Gaufrette

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Jura Waffel-Gaufrette
Main ingredients are sugar, vegetable fat, wheat flour, low fat cocoa powder (5.7%), dextrose, dried milk products, wheat starch, corn starch, cocoa mass (1%)
Cocoa content: estimated to 6.7% cocoa


Wernli AG, 4632 Trimbach, Solothurn, Switzerland


The little waffle cubes are arrayed into a larger cube, set in a cardboard tray and sealed in plastic wrap with a handy opener.


The cocoa waffles are light brown which is darker than typical ice cream waffles. The filling is dark to middle brown.


Breaking or biting the waffles makes very loud crunch sound.


The waffles have a warm smell of roasted hazelnuts and nougat.


The waffles feel light and crunchy. The thin waffle coating immediately starts melting and sticks to the tongue. Nevertheless, they maintain crunch and lightness throughout.


The initial taste is of the airy baked waffles. After the first waffle layer, the filling tastes like sugary sweetness with flavours of nougat.


The aftertaste is most strongly perceived at the front of the tongue as sugary sweetness but it also includes some roasted hazelnut flavours at the rear of the mouth.


These waffles are very airy and light, have nice warm smell of roasted nuts. They are crunchy but their flavour is mainly sugary sweetness.


The crunch and the smell of the waffles is very promising but their flavour does not live up to that as it is mainly plain sugary sweetness. 1 Star.


Best before 13/06/2016, tasted 06/03/2016

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Christine Berger GmbH - Sanddorn in Vollmilchschokolade (sea-buckthorn in whole milk chocolate)

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Sanddorn in Vollmilchschokolade (sea-buckthorn in whole milk chocolate)
Main ingredients are sugar, cocoa butter, whole milk powder, cream (8%), cocoa mass, sea-buckthorn liqueur (3%)
Cocoa content: minimum 38% cocoa in the whole milk choolate


Christine Berger GmbH & Co. KG, Fercher Straße 60, 14542 Werder OT Petzow, Germany


The chocolate is sold on a golden coated card board tray. This is sealed in plastic wrap and covered with a printed paper sleeve. The content is 75g.


The chocolate is light brown from the outside and some of the filling is visible at the edges. There is a second inner chocolate coating which is much darker. The filling is yellow-ish.


The chocolate layers are very thin and break almost without any sound.


The bar has aromas of vanilla cake, sea-buckthorn, sugary sweetness and alcohol. Separating the chocolate is hardly possible and it has taken on the aromas of its filling.


The chocolate melts very quickly. Though it feels like a rough surface initially, the liquid is very fine and spreads through the mouth. The filling initially feels slightly more sticky with a rough surface and it melts slower than the chocolate. However, it melts nicely and dissolves into a surprisingly fine and smooth liquid.


The thin layer adds a subtle chocolate taste that frames the experience as a whole. The filling has an intense sugary sweetness and sea-buckthorn flavour. It also has a tiny hint of alcohol.


The aftertaste sticks to the rear of the mouth and is mainly sea-buckthorn. In addition, a surprisingly intense sweetness lingers at the front of the mouth.


This is a sweet sea-buckthorn filling surrounded with a thin layer of chocolate. The packaging rightly emphasises the sea-buckthorn rather than the chocolate.


This sea-buckthorn chocolate is very sweet. It melts nicely, has good mouthfeel and tastes of sea-buckthorn and sugary sweetness. You have to be aware that there is alcohol in the product. 2 Stars.


Best before 20/05/2016, tasted 06/03/2016

Friday 19 February 2016

Whittard of Chelsea - Vanatu 44 Milk chocolate

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Vanatu 44 Milk chocolate
Main ingredients are sugar, cocoa butter, cocoa mass, milk powder, vanilla flavouring
Cocoa content: minimum 44% cocoa solids


Manufactured in Belgium for: Whittard of Chelsea (Whittard Trading Limited), Windrush House, Windrush Industrial Park, WITNEY, Oxfordshire, OX29 7DX, United Kingdom


The chocolate is wrapped and sealed in shiny plastic wrap. This package of 90g in then placed in a cardboard envelope.


The chocolate is middle brown.


The chocolate breaks with a clear "snap" sound.


The smell has aromas of cream and hints of roasted hazelnuts.


The chocolate initially feels soft and melts into a creamy liquid. A small amount of crumbles is in the chocolate. After melting the chocolate leaves the sensation of a very fine powder on the gums and tongue.


The chocolate has a milky sweet flavour with little hints of roasted nuts and caramel.


The aftertaste is dominated by caramel and cream flavours.


This is a creamy milk chocolate with balanced sweetness and some caramel and hazelnut flavours. It leaves the sensation of a very fine powder after eating.


The main body of the chocolate is not well conched and there are some noticeable sugar crystals or some sort of crumbs in the chocolate. The flavour is mainly attributable to cream and (caramelised) sugar. There are hints of hazelnut. 2 Stars.


Lot number: L15258, best before September 2016, tasted 13 February 2016

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Whittard of Chelsea - Uganda 80 Dark Chocolate

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Uganda 80 Dark chocolate
Main ingredients are cocoa mass, sugar, cocoa butter, vanilla flavouring
Cocoa content: minimum 80% cocoa solids


Manufactured in Belgium for: Whittard of Chelsea (Whittard Trading Limited), Windrush House, Windrush Industrial Park, WITNEY, Oxfordshire, OX29 7DX, United Kingdom


The chocolate is wrapped and sealed in shiny plastic wrap. This package of 90g in then placed in a cardboard envelope.


The colour of the chocolate is very dark brown and black.


The chocolate breaks with a clear "snap" sound.


The smell is surprisingly light with sweet, nutty aromas and an earthy note.


The chocolate quickly melts into a liquid that feels slightly floury and also has a very few larger bits.


The initial taste is bitter, earthy and perhaps charred. This is added by some bark flavours but also sweetness from the sugar.


The aftertaste is dominated by bitter and earthy notes as well as some lingering sweetness.


This is an earthy, bitter, very dark chocolate but also with a noticeable sugary sweetness.


The chocolate is not well conched resulting in a partly floury mouthfeel and some small bits in the chocolate. The flavour is bitter, earthy and has hints of something charred but there is still some marked sweetness in the chocolate to counter the cocoa. 1 Star.


Lot number: L15258, best before September 2016, tasted 13 February 2016

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Artisan du Chocolat - Trinidad & Tobago dark chocolate

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Trinidad and Tobago dark chocolate
Main ingredients: cocoa beans, cane sugar, cocoa butter
Cocoa content: minimum 70% cocoa content, no vanilla


Artisan du Chocolat, 89 Lower Sloane Street, London, SW1 8DA, United Kingdom
in Partnership with: Fine Cocoa Company Ltd, La Réunion Cocoa Estate, Centeno, Port of Spain, Republic of Trinidad & Tobago


The chocolate comes in a tin in the shape of a steel pan drum. Inside is some packaging paper and 125g dark chocolate sealed in plastic wrap.


The surface is smooth and a bit shiny. The chocolate is dark brown but more red-brown than black-brown.


The little chocolate sticks snap with a clear, distinct "click" sound.


The chocolate has a warm and rich smell with aromas of wood, earth and notes of guava and flowers.


The chocolate is initially very hard and solid and melts quickly into a very fine liquid.


The initial flavour is pure cocoa with a note of bark, oak tree and wet wood. It almost instantly unfolds a full body of fruity notes of raisins, guavas and honey dew. It has a distinct, very light, unobtrusive sweetness. The dark cocoa flavour is present all the time and combines with the fruitiness into a comparably light chocolate which is still very complex and rich in flavour.


The aftertaste is dominated by darker cocoa flavours of the chocolate at the rear of the mouth whereas some fruity notes linger in the front.


This pure dark chocolate is comparably light but it has a rich cocoa flavour and complex, fruity flavours that are all sourced from the special cocoa bean. It deserves your full attention when eating.


The fine dark chocolate lives of its specially sourced cocoa. It is immaculately crafted. The pure dark cocoa and yet fruity flavours are lavishly complex. This makes the chocolate very unique and outstanding. 5 Stars.


Lot number: 23557, best before 13 April 2017, tasted 13 & 14 February 2016

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Artisan du Chocolat - Sea salted caramels N25 Spiced figs

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Sea salted caramels - №25 Spiced figs
Main ingredients are dark chocolate, caramel and cocoa powder.
Cocoa content: minimum 72% cocoa solids in the dark chocolate


Artisan du Chocolat, 89 Lower Sloane Street, London, SW1 8DA, United Kingdom


The cardboard box contains a round plastic container with a screw cap. A package contains 130g pralines.


The little pralines are dusted with cocoa powder with a light-ish brown colour.


The chocolate body is not intended to be broken outside of the mouth as the filling could spill. However I did so anyway, there is a snap sound of the chocolate body when broken apart.


Opening the little plastic container releases a warming cocoa aroma with aromas of wood, roast and a hint of floral fruit.


The cocoa layer does not feel dusty or powdery but rather almost solid. It is still powder, thus breathing in in the first moments can make you cough as the cocoa powder settles on the back of your mouth. Rolling the chocolate makes the outer cocoa layer melt until the dark chocolate body is exposed. This quickly melts until it is unstable, breaks and releases its filling. The fig filling is similar to a soft jam with little fig kernels.


The cocoa powder layer tastes like very dark chocolate with flavours of wood, roast and bark. These flavours intermix with the dark chocolate body and become slightly lighter with hints of dark molasses. Finally, the fruity filling tastes like a rich, sweet fig jam with spices that nicely mix without a single one standing out noticeably. There is also a hotness as in ginger or chili which is just enough to engage the taste buds. It is merely a sensation at the rear of the tongue rather than an actual flavour and it does not interfere with the filling's fruity sweetness. When the three layers mix, a finely balanced spiced sweetness and fruitiness gradually adds to the dark chocolate flavours.


Initially, the spicy sensation dominates the aftertaste. This quickly disappears and gives room to the dark chocolate with its roast and bark flavours combined with the fruity sweetness of the fig filling.


These are rich filled dark chocolate pralines. Their layers provide a complex change of flavours starting with very dark wood flavours and gradually adding sweet and fruity flavours.


The chocolate pralines are very well designed and executed. Eating through each layer is almost like attending a show with different acts. The Chanel №5 styled packaging makes quite a promise. Nevertheless, the product lives up to the expectations without a shadow of doubt.


Lot number: 21942, best before 07 November 2016, tasted 06 February 2016

Monday 8 February 2016

Whittard of Chelsea - Cantucci biscuits with figs & almonds

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Cantucci biscuits with figs & almonds
Main ingredients are wheat flour, sugar, dried figs (18%), eggs, almonds (10%)


Manufactured by Amari in Carmignano s.a.s., Via Guido Rossa, 81-83, 59015, CARMIGNANO PO, Italy for: Whittard of Chelsea (Whittard Trading Limited), Windrush House, Windrush Industrial Park, WITNEY, Oxfordshire, OX29 7DX, United Kingdom


The 200g load of biscuits is sealed in plastic. A cardboard label is attached above the seal.


The biscuits are dark yellow with a light brown crust. Whole almonds and figs are visible in the fluffy dough.


The biscuits are hard as cantucci should be. They make a thud sound when broken and are especially soft around the figs.


The biscuits smell like sweetened eggs and vanilla with a very strong fruity aroma and a light hint of roast.


These biscuits are light and crisp. After chewing the first bits, the crunchiness is lost but the dough is still light.


The initial taste is a sweet biscuit dough with butter and egg flavours, and some vanilla notes. The almonds are lightly roasted supporting their flavour. The figs come with a flavour of dark molasses combined with ripened plum and a little tartly and peaty note.


The biscuits have a sweet aftertaste with a light buttery and egg-ish note.


These biscuits are crisp and sweet with a nice butter and egg flavour with lightly roasted almonds and richly flavoured figs.


These are nice cantucci style biscuits. In particular, the baked figs add an interesting and rich flavour to them. However, their moisture makes it very difficult to have a crunchy cantucci. These biscuits are less crunchy than possible and they have a little a bit more dough.


Lot number: 151115, best before 04 October 2016, tasted 06 February 2016