Friday 8 April 2016

Leysieffer - Dark Chocolate "Les extra fin"

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Edelbitter-Schokolade "Les extra fin" [sic] (Dark Chocolate "Les extra fin")
Main ingredients are cocoa mass, sugar, cocoa butter, emulsifier, vanilla aroma.
Cocoa content: minimum 61% cocoa


Leysieffer GmbH & Co. KG, Benzstr. 9, 49076 Osnabrück, Germany


The chocolate is wrapped and sealed in plastic wrap. This is glued to a printed cardboard sleeve. The opener of the cardboard opens the plastic wrap, too. The packaging size is 100g.


The chocolate is very dark brown with a tiny hint of red.


The chocolate breaks with a very clear snap sound.


The chocolate smells of vanilla, sugar, roast and mildly bitter cocoa aromas.


Initially the chocolate feels solid and almost edgy, but it quickly dissolves into a smooth and very fine liquid.


The chocolate tastes of vanilla sugar with notes of roasted nut. After a short while, a mild cocoa flavour and some bitterness unfolds.


The aftertaste is mainly sweetness at the centre of the tongue and mild bitterness of the cocoa towards the rear.


This chocolate is very smooth and silky as promised on the packaging. Compared to other dark chocolates, it is sweet and tastes rather light with only a few roast and cocoa flavours.


The is very smooth but its flavour mainly driven by sugar rather than the cocoa that would be expected with dark chocolate.the characteristics of cocoa flavour. 2 Stars.


Lot number: L118, best before 01/09/2016, tasted 03&06&07/04/2016

Monday 4 April 2016

Leysieffer - Sao Thomé 70%

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Jahrgangs Schokolade 2014 SAO THOMÉ 70% [sic] (Chocolate from beans of the year 2014)
Main ingredients are cocoa mass, sugar, cocoa butter, emulsifier, vanilla aroma.
Cocoa content: minimum 70% cocoa


Leysieffer GmbH & Co. KG, Benzstr. 9, 49076 Osnabrück, Germany


The chocolate is wrapped and sealed in plastic wrap. This is glued to a printed cardboard sleeve. The opener of the cardboard opens the plastic wrap, too. The packaging size is 100g.


The chocolate is dark brown with a little red.


The chocolate breaks with a sound that is between a snap and a thud.


The smells of a mild cocoa and some nut and roast aromas with a hint of fruitiness.


The chocolate feels very solid and silk. It slowly dissolves into a very fine liquid.


After a very short lived sweet start, the initial taste is a roasted bitterness. The chocolate then evolves a milder cocoa note with some notes of sugar and small hints of red berry fruit. It also has a sharpness and bitterness on the tongue which is present throughout the process.


The aftertaste lasts comparably long and is mainly the mild bitterness alongside a sharpness on the tongue and the sides of the mouth. It also combines some hints of sugar.


This chocolate is mainly characterised by a mild bitterness and a sharpness to the tongue. It has a balanced sweetness.


The chocolate is made of a single origin cocoa from a particular year. It tastes like a well crafted dark chocolate with a mild bitterness balanced with sweetness. However, the single origin cocoa does not make it a product that stands out or adds a distinctly recognisable flavour apart from a marked sharpness. 3 Stars.


Lot number: L097, best before 15/08/2016, tasted 02/04/2016

Saturday 2 April 2016

Coppeneur - Blueberry Crumble Pie

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


"à la Blueberry Crumble Pie in weisser Chocolade" (white chocolate with blueberry crumbles)
Main ingredients are sugar, almonds, cocoa butter, whole milk powder, dried and sweetened blueberries (5% of total, with 34% concentrated apple juice in them), cane sugar, spiced crumbles (3%)
Cocoa content: no statement


Confiserie Coppeneur et Compagnon GmbH, 53604 Bad Honnef, Germany


The 75g of chocolate is wrapped and sealed in aluminium paper and covered by a printed paper sleeve.


The chocolate is yellow-ish white. The colour of the filling is a mixture of grey and purple with dark purple/black-ish chunks of blueberries.


The chocolate and its filling break with thud sound at room temperature. After separating chocolate, there is almost no sound.


The filled chocolate smells of cream, blueberry and something artificial. The white chocolate in isolation has butter and milk aromas. The filling smells of blueberries and apples.


The chocolate coating is smooth, buttery and melts into a sticky-ish cream. The filling is of relatively solid consistency similar to refrigerated butter. It has a lot of small crispy bits (like undissolved cane sugar) and small poky pieces of fruit and crumble. The fruit turned into chewy bits that reminded me of chewing gum.


Chocolate is sweet with a little hint of vanilla flavour. The dough adds a fatty, buttery flavour
with cinnamon and sugar flavours and notes of apple.


Once the butter and cream flavours have disappeared, the chocolate leaves an aftertaste of cinnamon and sugar at the sides and the rear of the tongue.


This filled white chocolate is buttery and chewy. It tastes of sugar. cinnamon and apples.


The chocolate does not live up to its promise to taste of blueberries and crumbles. It tastes of sugar, cinnamon and apples. The colour of the filling has an unpleasant grey-ish shade to it. Despite its initial buttery consistency, the product is very chewy. The blueberry pieces turn into something like chewing gum. 1 Star.
Not contributing to the rating but worthwhile to mention, the manufacturer managed to use three languages in the name of this product.


Lot number: 27581, best before 05/06/2016, tasted 01/04/2016

Thursday 24 March 2016

Helwa - Gaufrettes praliné noisette

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Gaufrettes fourrées au praliné noisette
Main ingredients are palm fat, wheat flour, sugar, hazelnut praline paste (19%, made of hazelnut and sugar), egg yolk, emulsifier.


Helwa Wafelbakkerij B.V, BP / P.O. Box 18, 9074 ZL Hallum, The Netherlands


The 110g waffles are arrayed on a cardboard tray which is sealed by a printed plastic wrap.


The waffles are very light brown and the filling is similarly lightly coloured.


The waffles break with clear, very crisp sounds.


The smell is mainly of baked/roasted dough from the waffles. There is no noticeable smell of the filling.


The waffles are very crunchy and airy. The crunch remains present throughout the experience. The waffles do not stick to the tongue as much as with other products. The filling is soft, slightly grainy and floury.


The initial contact with the waffles elicits roast flavours of the waffle dough. Tasted as a whole, the flavour of the filling is almost undetectable apart from a distinct sweetness and a hint of hazelnuts. Tasted on its own, the filling still has a very intense sugary sweetness but also some very noticeable notes of hazelnuts.


The aftertaste is mainly sweetness at the centre of the mouth. There is a hint of waffle and hazelnut flavour towards the rear.


These waffles are very airy and crisp. Their flavour is mainly sweet but comes with notes of roasted waffle dough and hazelnuts.


The waffles have a nice crunch that they maintain throughout the process. They also have hints of roast aroma and hazelnuts but this is combined with an intense sugary sweetness. 2 Stars.


Lot number: 5266 11:51, best before 09-2016, tasted 20/03/2016

Monday 21 March 2016

Ferrero - Rocher Easter egg

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Ferrero Rocher Easter egg (big rocher: milk chocolate hollow body with hazelnut pieces and, small rocher: crispy nut-praline speciality in tender milk chocolate and fine hazelnut cream)
Main ingredients of the large rocher are milk chocolate (80% made of sugar, cocoa butter, cocoa mass, skimmed milk powder butter fat, vanillin) and hazelnuts (20%). Cocoa content: minimum 33,5% cocoa.
Main ingredients of the smaller rochers are milk chocolate (30% made of sugar, cocoa butter, cocoa mass, skimmed milk powder butter fat, vanillin) and hazelnuts (28,5%), sugar, palm oil, wheat flower, sweetened whey powder).


Ferrero 60624, Frankfurt am Main, Germany; FERRERO Österreich, Sterzinger Str. 1, 6020, Innsbruck, Austria


The package is designed as a super sized Ferrero Rocher. Inside the golden foil, there is a gold-ish plastic shell with a large hollow chocolate ball inside. Inside the chocolate ball, there are two smaller Ferrero Rochers which are sealed in a plastic wrap. Content weight is 125g.


The outer larger rocher shell is middle brown with shiny surface. Pieces of hazelnut are peaking out. The smaller rochers look very similar with a somewhat lighter brown waffle inside and dark brown cream filling.


The chocolate of the outer, larger shell breaks with a "thud" sound.


On its own, the outer shell smells of milk, hazelnut roast aroma and sugary sweetness. The smaller rochers smell of sugar, hazelnuts and a hint of cocoa after opening them.


The chocolate of the outer shell is smooth and melts quickly into a fine liquid. This frees a bunch of roasted hazelnut pieces. The waffle shell inside the smaller rochers is airy and crispy. It maintains some of its crisp throughout the process. The creamy filling is very smooth, dense but also sticky.


The chocolate tastes of sugary sweetness, milk and a hint of cocoa. It also releases something artificial but it is difficult to say what exactly. The roasted hazelnuts add their roasted nut flavours to the chocolate once they have been released and chewed. The little waffles inside the smaller rochers taste of a mild roast aroma and some cocoa notes. The filling tastes of sugar with initial notes of roasted hazelnut and cocoa.


The aftertaste of the chocolate is of roasted hazelnuts but it is dominated by its sweetness. After the initial notes, the flavour of the filling turns more and more sweet and leaves a sugary, sweet aftertaste.


I believe that this is the first large East egg style thing on the German supermarket shelf. Taste-wise this is a sweet milk chocolate with lots of roasted hazelnuts.


The packaging is spectacular compared to the competition on the German market. The chocolate has a lot of roasted hazelnuts. But it also has an almost overly intense sugary sweetness and some unidentified artificial note to it. 2 Stars.


Lot number: LO15W-N 03:00, best before 13/07/2016, tasted 20/03/2016

Sunday 13 March 2016

Wernli - Jura Waffel-Gaufrette

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Jura Waffel-Gaufrette
Main ingredients are sugar, vegetable fat, wheat flour, low fat cocoa powder (5.7%), dextrose, dried milk products, wheat starch, corn starch, cocoa mass (1%)
Cocoa content: estimated to 6.7% cocoa


Wernli AG, 4632 Trimbach, Solothurn, Switzerland


The little waffle cubes are arrayed into a larger cube, set in a cardboard tray and sealed in plastic wrap with a handy opener.


The cocoa waffles are light brown which is darker than typical ice cream waffles. The filling is dark to middle brown.


Breaking or biting the waffles makes very loud crunch sound.


The waffles have a warm smell of roasted hazelnuts and nougat.


The waffles feel light and crunchy. The thin waffle coating immediately starts melting and sticks to the tongue. Nevertheless, they maintain crunch and lightness throughout.


The initial taste is of the airy baked waffles. After the first waffle layer, the filling tastes like sugary sweetness with flavours of nougat.


The aftertaste is most strongly perceived at the front of the tongue as sugary sweetness but it also includes some roasted hazelnut flavours at the rear of the mouth.


These waffles are very airy and light, have nice warm smell of roasted nuts. They are crunchy but their flavour is mainly sugary sweetness.


The crunch and the smell of the waffles is very promising but their flavour does not live up to that as it is mainly plain sugary sweetness. 1 Star.


Best before 13/06/2016, tasted 06/03/2016

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Christine Berger GmbH - Sanddorn in Vollmilchschokolade (sea-buckthorn in whole milk chocolate)

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Sanddorn in Vollmilchschokolade (sea-buckthorn in whole milk chocolate)
Main ingredients are sugar, cocoa butter, whole milk powder, cream (8%), cocoa mass, sea-buckthorn liqueur (3%)
Cocoa content: minimum 38% cocoa in the whole milk choolate


Christine Berger GmbH & Co. KG, Fercher Straße 60, 14542 Werder OT Petzow, Germany


The chocolate is sold on a golden coated card board tray. This is sealed in plastic wrap and covered with a printed paper sleeve. The content is 75g.


The chocolate is light brown from the outside and some of the filling is visible at the edges. There is a second inner chocolate coating which is much darker. The filling is yellow-ish.


The chocolate layers are very thin and break almost without any sound.


The bar has aromas of vanilla cake, sea-buckthorn, sugary sweetness and alcohol. Separating the chocolate is hardly possible and it has taken on the aromas of its filling.


The chocolate melts very quickly. Though it feels like a rough surface initially, the liquid is very fine and spreads through the mouth. The filling initially feels slightly more sticky with a rough surface and it melts slower than the chocolate. However, it melts nicely and dissolves into a surprisingly fine and smooth liquid.


The thin layer adds a subtle chocolate taste that frames the experience as a whole. The filling has an intense sugary sweetness and sea-buckthorn flavour. It also has a tiny hint of alcohol.


The aftertaste sticks to the rear of the mouth and is mainly sea-buckthorn. In addition, a surprisingly intense sweetness lingers at the front of the mouth.


This is a sweet sea-buckthorn filling surrounded with a thin layer of chocolate. The packaging rightly emphasises the sea-buckthorn rather than the chocolate.


This sea-buckthorn chocolate is very sweet. It melts nicely, has good mouthfeel and tastes of sea-buckthorn and sugary sweetness. You have to be aware that there is alcohol in the product. 2 Stars.


Best before 20/05/2016, tasted 06/03/2016