Tuesday 30 July 2019

Grenada Chocolate Company - 100% Dark Chocolate

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


100% Dark Chocolate
Main ingredients are cocoa beans.
Cocoa content: minimum 100% cocoa solids


The Grenada Chocolate Company Ltd, Hermitage, St Patrick, Grenada, The Caribbean


The 85g chocolate bar is wrapped in aluminium paper and a paper sleeve.


The chocolate is very dark brown with a distinct red hue on the surface and at the edges.


The chocolate breaks with a clear snap sound.


The chocolate has light smell but this comes with intense cocoa aromas and dark bitterness. There also some fruity notes reminiscent of honeydew melons.


The chocolate is initially very tough and solid. It slowly melts into an dispersing find liquid while its melting surfaces become slightly rough.


The initial taste is an intense bitterness with some tobacco-ish notes in the front and almost charred flavours at the rear of the mouth. The bitterness remains but fruity flavours of melon develop next to a very intense cocoa flavour. There is no sourness and only a very mild astringency despite the intense bitterness.


The chocolate almost remains present on the tongue. Its aftertaste is dominated by the slowly fading bitterness. Intense cocoa are at the rear of the mouth at the palate.


This is a very intense and dark chocolate with flavours of tobacco. This emphasises the dark flavours of the cocoa. The flavours remain clear without any warm flavours of nuts or roast. It has no sourness and a very mild astringency.


The chocolate brings out the dark, tobacco like flavours of the cocoa. It is very intense and bitter without showing sourness. It is very well crafted with a very good melt. 5 Stars.


Lot number: 837, best before 11/01/2020, tasted 14&28/07/2019

Tuesday 9 July 2019

Bonnat Chocolatier - Selva Maya

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Selva Maya
Main ingredients are cocoa, cocoa butter, sugar.
Cocoa content: minimum 75% cocoa.


Bonnat Chocolatier, BP 48, 8 cours Sénozon, 38502 Voiron Cedex, France


The 100g chocolate bar is covered in aluminium paper and a paper envelope.


The chocolate is very dark brown with a red hue at its edges.


The chocolate breaks with a clear snap sound.


The smell is clear and light cocoa aroma with some ripe fruit and sugar. As the chocolate gets warmer, the cocoa becomes more intense.


The chocolate feels very hard initially. It melts into a very fine liquid almost without becoming sticky or soft or transition.


The initial flavour is comparably bitter. Intense dark cocoa flavours with noticeable astringency develop as the chocolate melts. These are accompanied by a little fruity sourness. The slightly toasty and woody cocoa flavours are mainly in the centre and rear of the mouth. Some sour berry fruits are noticeable on the top the front of the mouth. The flavours are intense but contained and delicate. Astringency is very mild and only builds up over time.


The aftertaste is mainly cocoa flavour towards the rear of the mouth that develops into some fruity notes.


This has a very good melt and mouthfeel. It has delicate flavours that emphasise the darker chocolate flavours with some sweetness and sour-ish notes.


This is a very well crafted dark chocolate with a very good melt. It comes with delicate yet intense cocoa flavours. 5 Stars.


Lot number: A, best before 04/2020, tasted 26/05&02&16/06/&07/07/2019

Wednesday 24 April 2019

Artisan du Chocolat - Dark chocolate 100%

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Dark chocolat 100% cocoa
Main ingredients are cocoa beans.
Cocoa content: 100% cocoa solids


Artisan du Chocolat, 89 Lower Sloane Street, London, SW1 8DA, United Kingdom


The 45g chocolate bar is sealed in transparent plastic wrap and wrapped in a cardboard.


The chocolate is very dark brown with a red hue.


The chocolate breaks with a clear 'click' sound.


The chocolate has only a little smell. The aromas are reminiscent of the roast of nuts or oak wood and have hints of fermented tea and metal. As the chocolate warms in the hand, it releases warming, intense cocoa aromas.


The chocolate initially feels cold with a solid, smooth surface. The surface of the chocolate becomes softer and creamy as it slowly dissolves. It melts into a very fine, velvety and creamy liquid.


The initial flavour is a slightly astringent bitterness. As the chocolate melts slowly, it unfolds very dark cocoa flavours with an edge of nuts and roast. They are accompanied by an intense but mild bitterness. Despite its intensity, the chocolate has little astringency, almost no acidity and the warm flavour of dark roasted nuts.


The aftertaste lasts very long and is mainly a central flavours of cocoa and roast. A mild bitterness lingers in the mouth.


This chocolate is as intense as get it gets. It has a mild bitterness, rich flavour of cocoa and dark roast nuts. The flavours are very intense, the melt is very fine and creamy without being sticky. However, this is not for the faint-hearted, there is no sweetness, milk or dairy creaminess about it.


This chocolate is well crafted. It has intense cocoa flavours, an intense but yet mild bitterness and a dark-ish roasty edge. 5 Stars.


Lot number: 36728, best before 12/2019, tasted 09/12/2018&22/04/2019

Tuesday 2 October 2018

R Chocolate - House Dark 70%

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


House Dark 70%
Main ingredients are cocoa kernel, cane sugar, and cocoa butter.
Cocoa content: minimum 70% cocoa


R Chocolate, 198 Ebury St, Belgravia, London, SW1W 8UN, United Kingdom


The chocolate is wrapped in aluminium foil and a red paper sleeve.


The chocolate is very dark brown with a black-ish hint. The edges appear with a white shimmer. The bar has some moulding air bubbles on the surface.


The chocolate breaks with a clear snap sound.


Opening the package releases an immediate cold-ish cocoa and fruity cane sugar aroma.


The chocolate melts slowly into a very fine liquid. The edges remain almost solid before melting into a liquid.


There is a brief bitter punch and an initial sweet flavour until the two mix and a more bitter, earthy flavour develops. As the chocolate melts, the fine liquid releases very warming cocoa flavours with hints of deep roasted walnuts and fruity hints of dried cherry and raisins towards the rear of the mouth. The cane sugar balances the bitterness but it may leave the feeling of sourness of the tongue.


The aftertaste is a mixture of some sweetness in the centre of the mouth, cocoa flavours at the rear, a subtle bitterness of roasted walnuts that is almost in the throat.


This is a very well conched dark chocolate some flavours of roasted nuts, mild bitterness, very little astringency and a balanced sweetness. The is some sourness that may tickle the tongue.


The chocolate melts abruptly from solid to liquid without any stickiness or softness. It has flavours of roasted nuts and the bitterness of walnuts and some hints of fruity notes. There are some subtle notes of sourness that may leave a tickling flavour on the tongue. 4 Stars.


Best before 22/11/2018, tasted 09&16&30/09/2018

Tuesday 7 August 2018

Rózsavölgyi Csokoládé - Whole Ground Chocolate

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Whole Ground Chocolate
Main ingredients are cocoa beans with shell, cane sugar, cocoa butter.
Cocoa content: minimum 72% cocoa


Rózsavölgyi Csokoládé Kft., Ringló út. 33, 1221 Budapest Budafok, Hungary


The 70g chocolate bar is wrapped in quite strong parchment paper and a card board box.


The chocolate is very dark brown with red hue. Smaller bits appear red-brown.


The chocolate breaks with a very clear and abrupt snap sound.


Opening the parchment paper releases aromas of cocoa, cane sugar and fruity notes of muskmelon.


The chocolate initially feels hard and almost sharp edged. It starts melting quickly and after a short-lived sticky stage, it melts into a very fine and creamy liquid.


The initial contact has a fruity melon like flavour. As the chocolate starts melting, intense and rich but light cocoa flavours develop. The cocoa has a very mild bitterness that slowly turns into flavours of roasted nuts and caramelised, ripe fruit on top of the rich cocoa flavours.


The aftertaste is a fruity cocoa flavour with tiny hints of a fruity sourness.


This chocolate is dark and it has very a rich, fruit and cocoa feel. Its flavours are more fruity and light and emphasising the cocoa in the product.


The whole ground chocolate provides a fine, rich almost creamy melt. The cocoa flavours have a distinct tropical, melon edge with notes of caramel. The chocolate emphasises a full, rich cocoa body. 5 Stars.


Lot number: MT4404WG, best before 30/01/2020, tasted 24/06&22&29/07/2018

Tuesday 31 July 2018

Honest Chocolate - Dark Chocolate 80%

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Dark Chocolate 80%
Main ingredients are cocoa beans, unrefined cane sugar.
Cocoa content: minimum 80% cocoa solids


Honest Chocolate, The Woodstock Exchange, 66 Albert Road, Woodstock, Cape Town,7925, South Africa


The 60g chocolate bar is wrapped in aluminium paper and a card board sleeve.


The chocolate is dark red-brown with a very shiny surface.


The chocolate breaks with a clear snap sound.


Opening the package releases intensive fruity cocoa aromas with hints of coffee, roasted nuts and sweetness.


The chocolate melts into a very fine liquid. Its surfaces become slightly rougher and soft when melting.


The initial flavour is sweet. As soon as the chocolate starts melting, a full cocoa body unfolds. A fruity sourness builds up that is framed by roasted nuts and a mild astringency. Later, the flavour of unripe red fruit emerges. Its sourness increases up to an almost tingling sensation. Hints of roasted nuts and bitterness develop next to the full bodied yet light, fruity and sour cocoa.


The aftertaste is a light fruity sourness in the centre of the mouth that is slightly tingling. There is also a mildly astringent cocoa flavours at the rear of the mouth.


This dark chocolate has a fruity and sour flavour with flavours of roasted nuts. The full bodied cocoa flavour emphasises the fruity sourness and lighter flavours of its cocoa. The astringency and bitterness are very mild making this chocolate a comparable 'light' dark chocolate.


The chocolate is very well manufactured and melts nicely. It emphasises the cocoa's fruity flavours and showcases its complexity as each components develops one by one. 5 Stars.


Lot number: 180530-1, best before 30/05/2019, tasted 15&22&28&29/07/2018

Tuesday 29 May 2018

Paul A. Young - 100% Dark Chocolate Bar

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


100% Dark Chocolate Bar
Main ingredients are 100% Guittard dark chocolate.
Cocoa content: minimum 44% cocoa solids


paul.a.young fine chocolates, 143 Wardour St, SOHO, London, W1F 8WA, United Kingdom


The chocolate is wrapped and sealed in transparent plastic wrap.


The chocolate is very dark brown with a reddish hue at its edges.


The chocolate is hard to break but when it does, it breaks clearly in one snap.


There intensive cocoa aromas and fruity aromas of raisins.


The chocolate feels solid initially but becomes softer quickly. It feels slightly creamy and soft to touch before melting into a very fine liquid.


The chocolate requires a bit of time before it unfolds its flavours. It starts with dark cocoa flavours and a mild bitterness and astringency that are building up gradually. There is a subliminal sourness  that comes to the foreground when swallowed or moving and leaves a little sore sensation.


The aftertaste is mainly astringency and the hint of sourness.


This has deep and dark-ish flavours of cocoa that are very intensive. Its flavours are dominated by dark cocoa, bitterness and hints of sourness.


The chocolate is very well conched and melts very smoothly. It emphasises the dark cocoa notes of the cocoa. However, as the astringency and bitterness are building up, they have a tendency to entirely dominate the flavour. Thus, the cocoa and possibly fruity notes are hard to detect. Also, there is a little sour note in the chocolate that leaves a sore sensation on the tongue. 4 Stars.


Lot number: S14129, best before 01/09/2018, tasted 29/04&05&27/05/2018