Tuesday 13 March 2018

Pâtisserie Chocolaterie Pralus - Tobago Estate Chocolate W.I., Roxborough

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Tobago Estate Chocolate W.I., Roxborough
Main ingredients are cocoa, sugar, pure cocoa butter, soy lecithin.
Cocoa content: minimum 70% cocoa


Pâtisserie Chocolaterie Pralus S.A.S., 34 Rue General Giraud, 42300 Roanne, France


The 100g chocolate bar is wrapped in aluminium foil and a paper sleeve.


The chocolate is very dark brown with a distinct red shimmer on all surfaces.


The chocolate breaks with a very clear snap sound.


There are a lot of cocoa aromas with notes of agave and cream, as well as hints of nuts.


The chocolate initially feels very hard and solid. It melts slowly into a very fine liquid. While melting the body remains solid with clear edges between solid and liquid chocolate.


The chocolate starts with brief sweet note and a lasting more astringent coffee flavour. Dark roasted nuts and intense dark cocoa flavours develop. Lighter, more acidic flavours evolve after some time and leave hint of some sour fruity notes. The sweetness is noticeable more as a sensation than a flavour and counters the sour notes.


The aftertaste is mainly cocoa flavour in the middle of the mouth, with some sourness at the sides and roasted nut flavours at the rear of the mouth


This is a dark chocolate with rich and intense flavours of dark roasted nuts, coffee as well as fruity and sour notes.


This is a very well made chocolate with very good melt. It preserves the flavours of its original cocoa and show-cases them. 5 Stars.


Best before 23/07/2018, tasted 14/01&18/02&10/03/2018

Tuesday 13 February 2018

Neuhaus - Mint from Morocco

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Dark Chocolate - Mint from Morocco
Main ingredients are cocoa mass, sugar, cocoa butter, dehydrated milk, soy lecithin, natural mint oil 0.1%, natural vanilla flavouring.
Cocoa content: minimum 52% cocoa


Neuhaus NV, Postweg 2, 1602 Vlezenbeek, Belgium


The 100g chocolate bar is wrapped in aluminium foil and a card board sleeve.


The chocolate is dark brown with a hint of red and a white shimmer at the edges.


The cold chocolate breaks with a snap sound. But at room temperature, the chocolate feels soft-ish and breaks with a thud sound.


The chocolate has very intense mint aroma with a subtle framing of cocoa aromas. Notes of sugar are noticeable.


The chocolate melts quickly into very fine liquid. Its surface softens while it is melting without getting sticky.


The flavour is very strongly dominated by the spearmint. The chocolate flavour adds a tiny little warming note and a nutty flavour to the other wise quite cooling mint flavours.


The aftertaste is mainly mint flavour on the tongue and the gums. There is some reminiscence of cocoa, especially at the rear of the tongue behind and below the mint flavours.


The flavour is strongly dominated by the mint oils in the product. The chocolate only adds its mouthfeel.


The flavour are similar to the spicy and edgy mint flavour of chewing gum. The mint overpowers the cocoa's warmer nutty notes and reduces the chocolate to its soft melting properties. Nevertheless, the product is well conched and melts nicely in the mouth. It should also be noted that this is dark chocolate that is made with milk powder. 2 Stars.


Lot number: L33597, best before 28/02/2018, tasted 14&21/01&10/02/2018

Tuesday 9 January 2018

Valrhona - Gran Couva Trinidad Noir 64%

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Chocolate de Domaine Gran Couva, Trinidad - 64%
Main ingredients are cocoa beans, sugar, cocoa butter, soya lecithin, vanilla extract.
Cocoa content: minimum 64% cocoa


Valrhona, 26600 Tain L'Hermintage, France


The 70g chocolate bar is sealed in aluminium foil and wrapped in cardboard.


The chocolate is very dark brown and appears almost black with a light red hue. The edges of the broken chocolate pieces have red and white hues.


The chocolate breaks with a clear snap sound.


The chocolate has aromas of ripe melon and guava and molasses. The intense cocoa aromas add a dark-ish twist to the smell.


The chocolate melts into a very fine liquid. During process, its surface and edges remain almost perfectly solid and even.


The initial flavour is a light sweetness. Fruity flavours of guava and melon unfold quickly towards middle and front of the tongue. Light spices such as clove, cardamom, Moroccan mint and tonka combine with the cocoa flavour at the middle and rear of the tongue.


The aftertaste alight cocoa taste at the rear of the mouth with a very little astringency and bitterness.


This is a dark chocolate with very light and complex flavours of fruit and spices.


Astringency, bitterness and sourness are (almost) completely absent in this dark chocolate. Instead it shows the very fruity and spicy notes of the cocoa. The dancing complexity of its flavour is exceptional. 5 Stars.


Lot number: LP7516239, best before 01/2018, tasted 24/09&21/10/&12/11/2017&07/01/2018

Tuesday 17 October 2017

Rózsavölgyi Csokoládé - Trincheras 95%

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Trincheras 95%
Main ingredients are Trincheras cocoa beans, cocoa butter, cane sugar. No vanilla.
Cocoa content: minimum 95% cocoa


Rózsavölgyi Csokoládé Kft., Ringló út. 33, 1221 Budapest Budafok, Hungary


The 25g chocolate bar is wrapped in quite strong parchment paper and little card board box.


The chocolate is very dark red-brown with a lighter red-brown hue at the edges.


The chocolate breaks with a clear and edgy snap sound.


The chocolate has a rich and warm cocoa smell with hints of hazel and grass. As chocolate warms in the hand, some darker notes of oak unfold. The grass aromas slowly develop into a more flowery note of dried fruit.


The thin chocolate bar melts quickly into a very fine liquid. The solid part becomes softer.


The chocolate unfolds a dark-ish and intense cocoa flavour. Its astringency and bitterness are mild and almost tickle the tongue. Flavours of smoke and roast build up. The last bit ends in an almost fruity sweet kick of dried fruit.


The aftertaste is cocoa flavour with notes of roasted nuts and wood. It lingers at the front of the mouth and on the tongue. After a few minutes, the aftertaste moves slowly towards the rear of the mouth, has few more fruity hints and slowly fades out.


This is a very dark chocolate with intense cocoa flavours, notes of wood, smoked and roasted nuts and a noticeable but mild astringency and bitterness. It ends in a little kick of dried fruit. Small pieces of chocolate are very intense already.


This is a very well made chocolate with intense and complex flavours that unfold over time and remain present for several minutes even with tiny pieces of chocolate. The cocoa has an interesting astringency and bitterness. 5 Stars.


Lot number: T4229, best before 30/04/2018, tasted 17/09&08&15/10/2017

Tuesday 10 October 2017

Neuhaus - Dark Chocolate

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Dark Chocolate
Main ingredients are cocoa mass, sugar, butter oil, soy lecithin, flavours.
Cocoa content: minimum 52% cocoa


Neuhaus NV, Postweg 2, 1602 Vlezenbeek, Belgium


The 45g chocolate bar is wrapped in aluminium paper and a paper sleeve.


The chocolate is dark brown with red and whit-ish hue at the edges.


The chocolate bar is quite thick and hard to break. When it does, there is very robust snap sound.


The smell is dominated by sugary sweetness and light notes of cocoa.


The chocolate melts slowly into a very fine liquid. It surface becomes softer during the process.


The initial flavour is strongly dominated by sugary sweetness. Cocoa notes unfold slowly but the sweetness is building up as well and tends to overwhelm the slightly more bitter and dark-ish flavours. However, the cocoa and nut flavours remain noticeable.


Once the sweetness decreased, nutty cocoa flavours linger in the upper middle part of the mouth.


This is a finely melting and comparably sweet dark chocolate with light cocoa and nut flavours.


The chocolate flavours are dominated by its sweetness that covers most of a potentially nutty and warming cocoa. It melts and some of the flavours work as an aftertaste. 3 Stars.


Lot number: 4005302, best before 12/11/2017, tasted 17/09&01&07/10/2017

Tuesday 19 September 2017

La Praline Gothenburg - Truffles Seasalt

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Truffes Fantaisie Havssalt (Truffles Seasalt)
Main ingredients are non-hydrogenated vegetable fat (coconut, palm), sugar, fat reduced cocoa powder, whey powder, seasalt (0.6%), soya lecithin, vanillin (artificial vanilla flavouring), cocoa powder for dusting.
Cocoa content: minimum 44% cocoa solids


La Praline Gothenburg AB, Backa Strandgata 12, 422 46 Göteborg, Sweden


The 200g package of pralines is sealed in aluminium wrap and boxed in cardboard.


The colour is dark brown with some darker almost black spots. After cutting the truffle, the sides are dark brown with a black hue. Little salt crystals can be visible.


Intensive cocoa and fat aromas hit you when opening the packaging and linger in the air.


The truffle feels solid and cannot be squashed with the tongue easily. It has a creamy and soft surface and melts into a fine liquid. The salt crystals are noticeable int the soft and creamy truffle.


The initial taste of the cocoa powder until a more mild cocoa flavour combined with the richness of the fat evolves. Once the first salt crystals have started dissolving, they add a little salty edge to the truffle. However, the seasalt dissolves slower than truffle. Thus, after the truffle has molten, only salt crystals are left. You know that it is but it still feels really salty each single time. Occassionally, there is also a salty spicy punch.


If you manage to get of the remaining salt quickly, the aftertaste is mainly fatty cocoa. However, most of the time I did not and thus, the aftertaste was simply salt.


This is a rich chocolate truffle with a salty edge. Its richness is comes from the fat and combines to a rich and mild cocoa feeling. However, the undissolved sea salt is a problem.


The truffles have a convincing richness and density. They have mild cocoa flavour that is smoothened by the fat. Initially, the flavour is enhanced by mild note of slowly dissolving sea salt. However, the slowly dissolving salt crystals stay longer than the truffle. Thus, you end up with pure salt in your mouth. If you chew the product, the salt crystals are crushed and melt much faster. But this can bring the salt to the foreground. In particular, you get very salty spots nearby the teeth and this spoils the product, too. Melting and chewing included an almost painful salt punch. 1 Star.


Lot number: JP12HAV1216, best before 31/12/2017, tasted 15/08&03&16/09/2017

Tuesday 29 August 2017

Chocolaterie Beluga - Belu Chocolate Bar 70

The tasting notes reflect my personal opinion.


Belu Chocolate Bar 70
Main ingredients are cocoa mass, sugar, cocoa butter, soya lecithin, natural vanilla flavouring.
Cocoa content: minimum 70.1% cocoa


Chocolaterie Beluga, Viktualienmarkt 6, 80331 München, Germany


The square 60g chocolate bar is wrapped and sealed in transparent plastic wrap.


The chocolate is dark-brown with a light hue of red-brown at some edges whereas other edges have white shimmer.


The chocolate breaks with a clear snap sound (and is actually quite hard to break).


The smell is sweetness, light hints of coffee aroma, and cocoa. The warmer the chocolates becomes in the hands, the stronger the cocoa aroma unfolds.


First, the chocolate is very solid but until it melts into a fine liquid. It maintains an even structure but feels more softly. The rice pops add a bit of crunchy texture but also seduce to chew the chocolate rather than letting it melt


The flavour unfolds once the chocolate has started melting. Its initial flavour is an earthy, coffee-ish cocoa flavour. A mild bitterness unfolds that is slowly countered by a balanced sweetness. The sweet note becomes slightly too strong over time compared to the bitterness.


The aftertaste is dominated by the cocoa's bitterness and the chocolate's sweetness. It is mainly present in the upper part/palate. A more cocoa-like flavour develops in the rear of the mouth.


This dark chocolate is slightly dark, earthy and coffee-like in flavour. It has a balanced sweetness that counters the cocoa's bitterness and astringency.


This chocolate is well conched and emphasises the more earthy notes. However, the rice pops do not contribute to its flavour but rather seduce you to bite the chocolate. Thereby, the chocolate gets eaten faster and its flavours cannot unfold but are reduced to mild bitterness and sugar. 3 Stars.


Best before 19/01/2018, tasted 15&19&27/08/2017